What Is a Very Simple Authentication Scheme for Sinatra/Rack

What is a very simple authentication scheme for Sinatra/Rack

Here is a very simple authentication scheme for Sinatra.

I’ll explain how it works below.

class App < Sinatra::Base
set :sessions => true

register do
def auth (type)
condition do
redirect "/login" unless send("is_#{type}?")

helpers do
def is_user?
@user != nil

before do
@user = User.get(session[:user_id])

get "/" do
"Hello, anonymous."

get "/protected", :auth => :user do
"Hello, #{@user.name}."

post "/login" do
session[:user_id] = User.authenticate(params).id

get "/logout" do
session[:user_id] = nil

For any route you want to protect, add the :auth => :user condition to it, as in the /protected example above. That will call the auth method, which adds a condition to the route via condition.

The condition calls the is_user? method, which has been defined as a helper. The method should return true or false depending on whether the session contains a valid account id. (Calling helpers dynamically like this makes it simple to add other types of users with different privileges.)

Finally, the before handler sets up a @user instance variable for every request for things like displaying the user’s name at the top of each page. You can also use the is_user? helper in your views to determine if the user is logged in.

when specifice page in url, sinatra not enforcing authentication

probably the static files are served before your routes. Don't put those .htm files into the public folder and everything will work out nicely.


Rack.session cookie not being deleted even after /logout code runs in Sinatra

session.clear will remove the session vars. You'll still see a session in chrome because it is set by Rack::Session::Cookie middleware after your action has run, but that is just a blank session.

Sinatra HTTP Basic Authentication get user and keep to use inside routes

If HTTP Authentication is enforced, the user's name is available in the request object, for instance:

use Rack::Auth::Basic,"Protected Area" do |username, password|
User.validate username, password

get '/' do
user = request.env["REMOTE_USER"]
"Hello, #{user}"

Please note that the HTTP authentication scheme can be awkward to use, you might want to consider using sessions instead.

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