Receving the Undefined Method 'Generators' Error

undefined method `write_inheritable_attribute' for Rails::Generator::Base:Class (NoMethodError)

I had the same problem, but it was the result of having the gem rmagick.

I ran the following:

gem uninstall rmagick 
gem cleanup

And then re-ran bundle in my stack and it worked for me again.

Undefined method `between' for Fixnum

You have mistake in method name: not between but between?

params[:status].to_i.between?(0, 3)

Check Ruby Doc.

undefined method `ncbi_ref_seq' for #ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy []

Since a generator has many results. When you take generator.results it returns an Active Record Collection, so there would be several records of Results, so you can't just extra a ncbi_ref_seq.

Either you have to loop through generator.results and output each ncbi_ref_seq like so

<% for result in generator.results %>
<%= result.ncbi_ref_seq %>
<% end %>

Or a generator has_one result.

Spring error when creating a new model in Rails

I think this is a known issue but you should be able to run one-off rails command without stopping spring by using this:

DISABLE_SPRING=1 rails generate model Product title:string release_date:date release_time:time description:text price:decimal brand:string

Or you can first stop spring by running spring stop

See answers here as well Rails Spring breaking generators

Getting An Undefined Method Error in Rails 4

first of all

   @galleries = Gallery.all

will return you all galleries irrespective of property

if you want to fetch galleries for any property do this

@galleries = @property.galleries

secondly you cannot fetch single property from galleries as galleries is an array which you are doing here

<% do |gallery| %>

you need to do

<% @galleries.each do |gallery| %>
<%property = %>
#what you want to do
<% end %>

also update your before_action

 before_action :set_property, only: [:index, :show, :edit, :update, :destroy]

and change this

def set_property
@property = Property.find(params[:id])


def set_property
@property = Property.find(params[:property_id])

Rails CSV generator - undefined method `collect' for Mon, 17 Jun 2019 14:16:10 CEST +02:00:Time in

You should add Arrays to csv Array, like this:

csv << [admin_log.created_at, admin_log.action_type, admin_log.admin_email, admin_log.old_data, admin_log.new_data]

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