API Post with Array Using Http Gem (Or Restclient)

API POST with array using HTTP gem (or RestClient)

def self.submitorder 
itemsarray = { :items => [ { :product_id => 423, :brand_id => 33, :color_id => 498, :size_id => 4, :quantity => 1, :front_print => 1389517,
:front_mockup => 1390617 } ] }
req = HTTP.post("https://api.printaura.com/api.php", :json => {
:key => APIKEY,
:hash => APIHASH,
:method => "addorder",
:businessname => "this is a secret too",
:businesscontact => "thats a secret",
:email => "my@email.com",
:your_order_id => "1",
:returnlabel => "FakeAddress",
:clientname => "ShippingName",
:address1 => "ShippingAddressLine1",
:address2 => "ShippingAddressLine2",
:city => "ShippingCity",
:state => "ShippingState",
:zip => "ShippingZip",
:country => "US",
:customerphone => "dontcallme",
:shipping_id => "1",
:items => Base64.encode64(itemsarray.to_json)}

puts JSON.parse(req)

I really hopes this helps somebody some years from now haha

Sending an array of string in a request made with rest-client gem

Posted for visibility (previously answered in comment)

RestClient will appropriately serialize a native ruby Array for you meaning

events: ["invitee.#{type}"]

will be serialized into events[]=invitee.created where type == 'created'. This will work for an Array with multiple values too.

events: ["more","than","one"]

will be converted to events[]=more&events[]=than&events[]=one.

Finally it also handles an other data types inside an Array such as another Hash

events: [{first_name: 'Zaphod', last_name: 'Beeblebrox'}]

will become events[][first_name]=Zaphod&events[][last_name]=Beeblebrox

RestClient post request in ruby on rails

The difference between the CURL version and the RestClient version is that in the CURL version you send a JSON string as payload but in the RestClient sends the string '@user'.

It should be fine when you actually send JSON:

{ content_type: :json, accept: :json }

rest-client in ruby on rails -multiple request

The error is coming from this line, rather than url[i], use just i, as i is the url you are trying to access, as an example, to deal with the implicit conversion:

render json: JSON.parse(RestClient::Request.execute( method: :get, url: i)), layout: nil

But the core issue is rendering multiple times, this can be solved by getting the data you need first, and then render the array once at the end.

Like so:

def index
url_list = ['http://example1','https://example2']
responses = []
url_list.each do |url|
responses << JSON.parse(RestClient::Request.execute( method: :get, url: url))
render json: responses, layout: nil

Ruby RestClient GET request with payload

You can see in the docs here that the only high level helpers that accept a payload argument are POST, PATCH, and PUT. To make a GET request using a payload you will need to use RestClient::Request.execute

This would look like:

method: :get,
url: "http://[rails_host]/v1/records?token=[api_token]",
payload: '{ "filters": { "app_id":"1" } }',
headers: { content_type: 'application/json', accept: 'application/json'}

passing json data in elasticsearch get request using rest-client ruby gem

RestClient can't send request bodies with GET. You've got two options:

Pass your query as the source URL parameter:

require 'rest_client'
require 'json'

# RestClient.log=STDOUT # Optionally turn on logging

q = '{
"query" : { "term" : { "user" : "kimchy" } }
r = JSON.parse \
RestClient.get( 'http://localhost:9200/twitter/tweet/_search',
params: { source: q } )

puts r

...or just use POST.

UPDATE: Fixed incorrect passing of the URL parameter, notice the params Hash.

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