Rubymine Debugger

RubyMine debugger

I suspect that you are pointing to the wrong SDK and gems.

Open Rubymine Preferences -> Language & Frameworks -> Ruby SDK and Gems

Select the correct RVM gemset, then press the green tick directly below that panel and apply your changes.

Incidentally, add the following to your Gemfile and run bundle install, for debugging support from rubyMine -

group :development, :test do
gem 'debase'
gem 'ruby-debug-ide'

RubyMine debug not working

OK got this working now.
I opened the Command Prompt as Administrator and then executed the following
c:\gem install ruby-debug-ide
c:\gem install debase

This time they both executed with no error.
I then restarted RubyMine and now I can run in debug mode.
Happy days....

Rubymine debugger is failing on Macbook with M1 chip

Here is how I resolved this issue:

  1. Uninstall Rubymine
  2. Install the Appple Silicon version of Rubymine (I used the JetBrains Tool for this)
  3. In the terminal run this command: 'gem uninstall debase' and selected to uninstall all versions.
  4. Open Rubymine and your project
  5. Click the debug button and select "yes" when the popup asks if you want to install missing debug gems
  6. Next run 'bundle install' from the terminal (I ran this in Rubymine terminal). It installed debase 0.2.5.beta2

I am now up and running. Best of luck!


Debugger in RubyMine - Frame is not available

I freaking didn't put any stoppoints, like this
Thats why it wasn't working, I hope this will help some other curious newb like me ;)

RubyMine debug gem versions different from public gem versions

Looking at the gemspec, these gems have been "forked" by JetBrains and the RubyMine's come from their proprietary repos (
s.homepage = "".

Hence there are differences in versions.

Rubymine: debugging using installed Puma-dev?

This is possible with remote debugging. To configure, you have to make some changes to your app:

  1. Add export RUBY_DEBUG_PORT=1234 to .env or .powenv or any file puma-dev will load an environment variable from. Feel free to use whatever port you'd like, although RubyMine uses 1234 by default.

  2. Add the ruby-debug-ide and debase gems to your project's Gemfile.

  3. Add an initializer to your project to initialize remote debugging, like so:

    if Rails.env.development? && ENV['RUBY_DEBUG_PORT']
    Debugger.start_server nil, ENV['RUBY_DEBUG_PORT'].to_i
  4. Restart puma-dev.
  5. Go to Edit Configurations in RubyMine and add a "Ruby remote debug" config. Name it whatever you'd like. Change the port to the port you set via RUBY_DEBUG_PORT. Set your local and remote root folders to your project root.
  6. Select your newly created configuration and click the Debug button. It should connect to the debugger running in your puma-dev process.

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