Rails - Will_Paginate Says "Variable Appears to Be Empty. Did You Forget to Pass the Collection Object for Will_Paginate"

Rails - will_paginate says variable appears to be empty. Did you forget to pass the collection object for will_paginate?

You can do something like this in your controller:

@car_paginator = Car.paginate(page: params[:page], per_page: 5).order(created_at: :desc)
@cars = @car_paginator.group_by { |r| r.created_at.to_date }

Then change the line with the pagination in your view:

= will_paginate @car_paginator

The problem is: When you use the paginate method the results is not a normal array or database relation but an object that has some extra information like @size. If you run group_by on that you remove that extra attributes and return a plain hash.

Did you forget to pass the collection object for will_paginate? Rails

<%= will_paginate @conversations %>
Check this you need to pass the variable, you want to paginate.

The users variable appears to be empty for will_paginate


    @questions = Question.order("question").page(params[:users]).per_page(2)    


     @questions = Question.order("question").paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 2)    


Update the User model as below:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base

has_many :sender_questions, :class_name => 'Question', :foreign_key => 'sender_id'
has_many :recipient_questions, :class_name => 'Question', :foreign_key => 'recipient_id'


Update the UsersController#show action as below:

def show
@user = User.find(params[:id])
@question = @user. recipient_questions.paginate(page: params[:page])

@users variable empty. forget to pass the collection object for will_paginate?

In your Users controller, make sure you have @users and if you are using will_paginate, make sure you call .paginate(page: params[:page], per_page: 20] and in your view, have <%= will_paginate @users %>.

will_paginate -ActionView::Template::Error variable appears to be empty

As official will_paginate gem documentation says: you should pass your collection (@loadVerifications in your case) as a parameter to will_paginate view helper:

<%= will_paginate @loadVerifications %>

Here's the source code which raises this error.

method call from within will_paginate method.

method declaration.

Briefly: if no collection is given to will_paginate helper, it tries to build instance variable's name from controller's name

How can i add will_paginate method to where condition in rails

#will_paginate expects a collection as argument.

<%= will_paginate @products %>

Rails - will_paginate gem not working when using .each do

It should be

<% @orders.each do |order| %>


<% @customer.orders.each do |order| %>

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