How to Turn on SQL Debug Logging for Activerecord in Rspec Tests

How do I turn on SQL debug logging for ActiveRecord in RSpec tests?

By default, all your db queries will be logged already in test mode. They'll be in log/test.log.

How to show SQL query log generated by a RSpec test?

Put the following code in your specs:

Rails 7.0+

ActiveRecord.verbose_query_logs = true

Rails 5.2

ActiveRecord::Base.verbose_query_logs = true

Rails 3.0

ActiveRecord::Base.logger = if defined?(ActiveRecord::Base)

Thanks to everyone who commented for the Rails updates.

Rspec log sql to console for filtered / tagged specs

I had to use before and after in my spec_helper.rb

# log SQL to console for tests tagged with :db
config.before(:each, db: true) do
@default_logger = ActiveRecord::Base.logger
ActiveRecord::Base.logger =

# log SQL to console for tests tagged with :db
config.after(:each, db: true) do
ActiveRecord::Base.logger = @default_logger

I liked the idea of having the "ensure" possibility suggested from Paul N. and get rid of the instance variable. Paul N.'s approach raises syntax errors as the ensure clause can only be run inside a method.

def with_std_out_logger
default_logger = ActiveRecord::Base.logger
ActiveRecord::Base.logger =
ActiveRecord::Base.logger = default_logger

config.around(:each, db: true) do |example|
with_std_out_logger { }

How do I turn off Rails SQL logging in test?

Ok I found it. This worked:

config.after_initialize do
ActiveRecord::Base.logger = nil

Suppress Rails logging for specific ActiveRecord request


I don't have a specific answer for your question, but we use ActiveRecord::Base.logger.silence to silence the logger:

    ActiveRecord::Base.logger.silence do
# your method here

It's not for specific requests, but works for actions you may wish to stop logging. Perhaps you could extend ActiveRecord::Base to silence a specific method?


Extending ActiveRecord

Perhaps you could mix what I've described with extending ActiveRecord? The recommendation on this question is to use an ActiveRecord concern.

I've never used one of these - can put together some code if you feel applicable

Rails3 SQL logging output in a separate file

ActiveRecord::Base.logger ='log/development_sql.log')

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