Activerecord Find Starts With

ActiveRecord find starts with

I would highly recommend the Searchlogic plugin.

Then it's as easy as:

@search = Model.new_search(params[:search])
@search.condition.field_starts_with = "prefix"
@models = @search.all

Searchlogic is smart enough, like ActiveRecord, to pick up on the field name in the starts_with condition. It will also handle all pagination.

This method will help prevent SQL injection and also will be database agnostic. Searchlogic ends up handling the search differently depending on the database adapter you're using. You also don't have to write any SQL!

Searchlogic has great documentation and is easy to use (I'm new to Ruby and Rails myself). When I got stuck, the author of the plugin even answered a direct email within a few hours helping me fix my problem. I can't recommend Searchlogic you can tell.

ActiveRecord find records that start with one of the words in an array

This should do it:

prefixes = ['mega', 'hyper', 'super']
sql_conditions ={ |prefix| "field ILIKE #{sanitize("#{prefix}%")}" }.join(' OR ')

In my IRB console:

prefixes = ['mega', 'hyper', 'super']
sql_conditions ={ |prefix| "field ILIKE #{ActiveRecord::Base.sanitize("#{prefix}%")}" }.join(' OR ')
# => "field ILIKE 'mega%' OR field ILIKE 'hyper%' OR field ILIKE 'super%'"

An alternative, for MySQL only:

prefixes = ['^mega', '^hyper', '^super'] # the ^ wildcard represents the start of line
sql_conditions = "field RLIKE '#{prefixes.join('|')}'" # RLIKE is also known as REGEXP

Rails ActiveRecord - find by substring of another string

Yes, this is possible in Ruby on Rails and SQL. Depends a bit on the database you use, but something like this should work:

Modelname.where("? LIKE CONCAT('%', name, '%')", 'Ttomas')

Rails Active Record starts with

Following this link:

You could do that:

range = [ 'A', 'E' ]
conditions = (range.first..range.last){ |letter| " name ILIKE '#{letter}%' " }.join('OR')

Or like Vimsha pointed out:

letters = ('A'..'E').to_a
Item.where("substr(name, 1, 1) IN (?)", letters)

Rails: How to find_by a field containing a certain string

I think something like this should work:

Topic.where("name like ?", "%apple%")

To accomodate for your edit:

Topic.where("name like ?", "%#{@search}%")

Basic string interpolation, you're using the value of @search inside the string %%, so you @search = "apple" then you end up with %apple%

How to perform an active record search based on a regular expression

.find(_by) only returns the first match. Since you want to find all users with a Gmail address you need to use .where.

You can easily combine the query with some regex:

With Mysql, use REGEXP

User.where("email REGEXP ?", '.*')

With Postgres, use regexp_matches:

User.where("regexp_matches(email, ?)", '.*')

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