How to Set Text Area Properties Inside Controller Page Using Ror

RoR set value for textarea

<% remote_form_for ... do |f| %>
<%= f.text_area :message, :value => "my default value" %>
<%= f.submit 'Update' %>
<% end %>

Rails edit an array in a text area

Text area helper sends and string containing the content of the input. You need to either parse it before sending the request. Using jQuery normally. Or reparse it into the backend as a valid array.

Eval, as you stated should be working. BUT YOU SHOULD NOT USE IT FOR SECURITY REASONS.

irb(main):004:0> eval("[\"2\"]")
=> ["2"]

In the controller just do:

class FooController < ApplicationController


def array_param

And refer anywhere you need it with: array_param in the controller methods.

def create
@bar ={array: array_param}))


def bar_params
params.require(:bar).permit(#everything except the array_param)

Textarea in Rails form

Unless you have some good reason not to, you should really use the action view helpers provided by rails.

The form helpers provide resource-oriented methods which create a form and a scope around a specific model object, but this does not suit your case.

What you want instead is to use to use the generic form tag helpers, which include generic versions of the form methods not tied to any specific model or record, e.g.: form_tag, text_field_tag, text_area_tag, etc. These methods do not require you to pass a record to them or define them in terms of a specific model; you can define arbitrary actions, ids etc., like so:

<%= form_tag "submit", :id => "my_form" do -%>
Title: <%= text_field_tag "title" %>
Comment: <%= text_area_tag "comment", :rows => 4, :cols => 50 %>
<%= submit_tag "Submit" %>
<% end -%>

Note that you had no name or id on your textarea, so I've arbitrarily assigned them the string "comment", which makes sense for the case.

In terms of accessing the value(s) the user enters, you just do it like any other form, i.e. in your controller you just access params[:title], params[:comment] etc.

Textarea Not Sending Value through Form

It'll be hard to come up with a solution since this seems to be a very located problem. So here are just some steps I'd recommend to take in order to nail it down, rather than a shorthand solution:

  1. Check the output of $('#new_activity_comment').serializeArray() in the browser console when you are on the actual page with the form in it.

    This is what the js handling the data-remote="true" forms in jquery-rails does to serialize your form data before it sends it to the server.

    The resulting Javascript Array should have an object with name "activity_comment[comment]" and value "Your comment" in it.

    If it does not, your error comes from somewhere in your Javascript or HTML. Where is difficult to say unless you post the JS sources, your HTML Doctype etc.

    EDIT: 1.5. Remove the "form-control" class from the textarea and see if it solves your problem. If it does not, try to rip out all the JS coming from Bootstrap and check if your forms are doing ok now. If they are, the problem lies with Bootstrap.

  2. Check your Networks tab in the developer tools when you send the request: Your headers should have FormData in them and there you should see activity_comment[comment] and your textarea value. If you don't, chances are you're operating on a broken build of jQuery or something with your browser is wrong / you're using a broken build of that, though that is very very unlikely unless you're on some Canary / Alpha Build channel for Chromium or something else.

  3. If your Javascript and Browser is sending the form ok and you still get no textarea value in your rails controller, log the contents of the raw rack parameters like that to your rails log: '###' #makes it easier to find your params URI.decode(request.env["rack.request.form_vars"])

    Now, if Rack has the right form value, but rails does not, there are 2 possibilities:

    1. Either there is something messed up in your app with strong parameters, meaning you will have to check for any params.require or params.permit in your ActivityCommentsController or any Controller in its ancestors
    2. There's a bug somewhere in the Rails Rack/ActionController interface, though that is also highly unlikely. Try to update rails to the latest patch version in that case or try to search for ActionController bugs in the Rails issues on github.

How can I submit a form in RoR whenever an input textfield changes?

Use observe_field helper with a single input, like the code bellow:

<%= text_field_tag 'filter' %>
<%= observe_field 'filter',
:url => {:controller => 'your_controller', :action => 'filter'},
:frequency => 1.2,
:update => 'results',
:with => "'typed_filter=' + $('filter').value" %>

And then just write a controller that, given a param named 'typed_filter', renders the results, wich will be shown in the element with id 'results' (probably a div).

Passing a string to an object in controller using ajax

You should be able to create it like this:

BoothUser.create(user: current_user, booth: @booth, is_admin: true) #add current user
booth_admins.each do |email|
admin = User.find_by(email: email)
BoothUser.create(user: admin, booth: @booth, is_admin: true)

In your HTML, you need to create your textarea like this:

<textarea id="create_booth_admins_textarea" name="booth[booth_admin_emails]" rows="30" cols="50"> </textarea>

Then you don't need the JavaScript at all.

...however if you want the entire form to submit via AJAX, then in addition to the HTML changes above, in your JavaScript do this:

$('#booth_create_submit').click(function(e) {
e.preventDefault(); # keeps the HTML form from submitting.
var the_form = $(this.form);
url: the_form.attr('action'),
data: the_form.serialize(),
type: "post",
cache: false,
success: function () {
console.log("ajax successful");
alert("ajax successful");
error: fucntion() {
console.log("ajax error");
alert("ajax error")

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