Pow Not Loading Gem Properly While Rails S Works

Pow not loading gem properly while rails s works

It looks like Pow isn't using the same Ruby as your shell session. You can learn how to properly setup Pow with the same version of Ruby using your Ruby version manager in the Pow User Manual.

Rails Ruby Geometry Gem breaking in production

After 2 days trying to solve this problem the answer was in reboot the machine... reset only the nginx and unicorn do not worked... but when I do reboot the VPS, it started working ...

How did we find out?
Searching about we have run into Pow not loading gem properly while rails s works
I'm Using Ubuntu with nginx and unicorn, nothing to see with Pow ... whatever it gave some light... for no reason we decided reboot the VPS ... and it worked.

Thank you all who helped me

POW is showing previous gemset path

I ended up restarting the POW server, and it resolved the issue

touch ~/.pow/restart.txt

POW/Rails error: Error starting applicationBundler::GemNotFound: Could not find minitest-4.7.5 in any of the sources

Are you sure you set up integration for RVM / Pow correctly?

Both projects show example how to do this, although the RVM one is more complete: http://rvm.io/integration/pow#using-rvm-with-pow - I'm not pasting here the code as the site will be updated if needed.

rails console doesn't start

I may be answering a bit late for this, but for the sake of the others who are looking for the answer... it's here

Basically, enter this command

spring stop

The issue , as far as I understand, is with the spring gem, specifically, it checks the server for versions, which doesn't tally up.

For my case, the problem started when when I add some new gems into the gemfile.

So once you stop spring and type in any other rails command, spring restart, and every thing should work again, at least until the same problem occurs, or the dev patched the issue.

Installed Compass and Sass and compass watch gives error

What solved my problem was basically uninstalling the bundle, sass, and compass gem. Then finally figuring out the correct combination of versions that would work with the Drupal Theme that I downloaded.

Two places that helps figure it out in time.

RVM - http://rvm.io/
Decent Tut - http://www.rosehosting.com/blog/install-ruby-sass-and-compass/

Gem not available in Rails app but works fine in Rails console (IMGKit)

Rebooting the pow server appears to have fixed the problem. Just put in terminal:

touch tmp/restart.txt

That should do it.

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