How to Remove the Extra Double Quote

How can I remove double quote and extra space from string in php?

you can use trim function to remove both sided extra characters

$str = '"32134131            "';
trim($str, "\" ");

In this code sample above, the $str is passed through the trim function which looks for and removes all " and characters.

Remove extra escaped double quotes from list of Clojure strings

Since quoted strings are the edn format for strings you could use clojure.edn/read-string to convert your strings removing the quote delimiters (assuming all of your lines are delimited by quotes):

> (with-open [rdr ( "matches.txt")] 
(doall (map clojure.edn/read-string (line-seq rdr))))
("key1" "key2" "key3")

clojure.core/read-string could be used as well, but note the warning that

... read-string can execute code (controlled by read-eval), and as
such should be used only with trusted sources.

Remove quotes in javascript

It's weird. Your solution should work.

Well, try this:

var value = "fetchedValue";
value = value.slice(1, -1);

How to remove double quotes in variable Javascript

sup.replace(/["']/g, ""); is going right way but you're just needing to store in a variable like @destryo has answered.

sup = sup.replace(/["']/g, "");

But I think you're needing to convert it to a number. If so, you may use parseInt:

parseInt(sup, 10);

remove double quotes from field

I believe you should focus on how to correctly split the line/row into tokens instead of removing unwanted double-quote characters from the line.

The block delimiter has form of "," or ", " thus the regex to split the line would be


See DEMO with regex explanation

Want to remove the double quotes from the strings

You need to assign it back to rowString:

rowString = rowString.Replace('"', ' ').Trim();

Strings are immutable.

row.String.Replace(...) will return you a string, since you are not assigning it anything it will get discarded. It will not change the original rowString object.

You may use String.Empty or "" to replace double quotes with an empty string, instead of single space ' '. So your statement should be:

rowString = rowString.Replace("\"", string.Empty).Trim();

(Remember to pass double quote as a string "\"", since the method overload with string.Empty will require both the parameters to be of type string).

You may get rid of Trim() at the end, if you were trying to remove spaces adding during string.Replace at the beginning or end of the string.

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