Rails Generate Scaffold Error

Rails error when I try generate a scaffold

You are getting the error because you have missed the model name in the generate command. Your scaffolding command should be

rails g scaffold <ModelName> title:string language:string engine:string little_description:string description:text on_production:boolean game_type:string platform:string dimension:string

If your model name is Product, the scaffold should be like

rails g scaffold Product title:string language:string engine:string little_description:string description:text on_production:boolean game_type:string platform:string dimension:string

Rails generate scaffold error message

One of your gems doesn't match your installed Ruby version.

Open up your Terminal utility, cd /Users/macowner/workspace/toy_app and run:

gem pristine --all
bundle install

This command will restore your gems to their original condition at the time you installed them.

Brand new rails app, can't generate scaffold

The error states that it can't find a version of sqlite3 ~> 1.3.6 so that is what your Gemfile should require:

gem 'sqlite3', '~> 1.3.6'

The more lenient definition of gem 'sqlite3', '~> 1.3', '>= 1.3.6' which will also allow 1.4 is only valid for the master branch of rails.


The 5-2-stable branch actually now also allows using sqlite 1.4 but the currently released 5.2.2 gem does not.

Update 2019-03-18

Now that rails has been released, the correct and also easiest fix is to bump rails to that version, as it will restrict sqlite3 to 1.3.6:

# In Gemfile
gem 'rails', '~>'

Given the security fixes in that version, this should be done anyway.

rails generate scaffold error on _from.erb (jbuilder issue?)

Details above, but:

Well, I solved the problem on my own, and just wanted to report back.
So, I forgot I had had trouble installing Nokogiri as well. Whenever I
ran "bundle update" I was getting an error that said I needed to make
sure the latest version of Nokogiri was installed correctly before
continuing. I ignored this, because I couldn't figure out out. This
was solved by simply following the instructions at nokogiri.org and
installing the necessary libraries:

sudo apt-get install build-essential patch ruby-dev zlib1g-dev liblzma-dev

gem install nokogiri

After I did this I thought to myself "Uh, duh, this is probably the
solution to the scaffolding issue." Indeed it was.

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