Why Is Ruby 1.9.2 on Windows 7 Using a 1.9.1 Path for Gems? It Is Using C:/Ruby192/Lib/Ruby/Gems/1.9.1/Gems/Railties-3.0.0/Lib/Rails/Commands.Rb

Why is Ruby 1.9.2 on Windows 7 using a 1.9.1 path for gems? it is using c:/ruby192/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/railties-3.0.0/lib/rails/commands.rb

From a little FAQ chapter to the release:

The standard library is installed in /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9.1
This version number is "library compatibility version". Ruby 1.9.2 is
mostly compatible with the 1.9.2, so its library is installed in the

Why are we installing Ruby 1.9.2/1.9.3 gems into a 1.9.1 folder?

In Ruby 1.9.0, the C interface was changed from the Ruby 1.8 series.

Gems that compile to native code had to be recompiled.

The interface was again changed in Ruby 1.9.1 and kept the same in Ruby 1.9.2 & 3. This explains the 1.9.1 you are seeing in your path.

The idea is that you can install different versions of Ruby on your system and that gems would be shared within groups having the same C api. So Ruby 1.8.6 and 1.8.7 could share their gems, and so could Ruby 1.9.1, .2 and .3.

It's not necessarily the best idea, though. In any case, most people use rvm to access different versions of Ruby and rvm keeps gems separate for each version, irrespective of the C api version.

can't get ruby 1.8.7 to work after installing 1.9.2

While RubyInstaller include RubyGems with the package, Ruby 1.8.x itself does not activate RubyGems by default like 1.9.1 and 1.9.2 do.

You need to require "rubygems" before doing require to any of the gems you want to load.

Since your script can work on both versions of Ruby, you can do something like this:

require "rubygems" unless defined?(Gem)

Which will enable RubyGems if is not defined (which is under Ruby 1.9.2)

Hope that helps.

Ruby 1.9.1 Load Path Craziness

setting GEM_PATH=/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1

solved the problem. I knew it was something simple. Just aggravates me that it took ALL DAY to figure out!! This is due to never having this issue with 1.8.7 and of course NOT RTFM!!

Trouble with ruby Development Kit

Installing the dev kit in a directory with spaces is a source of trouble.

Don't use C:/Program Files but another directory, e.g. C:/ProgramFiles or C:/bin ...

See also

  • Issues installing Ruby and Rails and DevKit on windows 7 x64 - fix needed
  • Bundle command not found. Bad Interpreter

Error running autotest on Windows 7 with Rails 3, Ruby 1.9.2

Oh, yes! I found the solution! The gems I need in this setup are:

gem 'ZenTest'
gem 'autotest-rails-pure'

The ZenTest gem generates the correct command line string (which actually just has the "unit_diff -u" behind the pipe, without the path). The autotest-rails-pure gem finds the correct test set.

rmagick under windows

I installed ImageMagick and RMagick on Windows Vista in a Rails environment this way:

First I downloaded ImageMagick-6.6.7-Q16 from http://www.imagemagick.org/download/binaries/ and installed it in "C:\ImageMagick-6.6.7-Q16" folder.

Then I downloaded RMagick from https://github.com/rmagick/rmagick/zipball/master and extracted it into "C:\RailsInstaller\Ruby1.9.2\lib\ruby\gems\1.9.1\bundler\gems\rmagick-rmagick\" folder (which is my ruby bundler gems folder).

Then I simply called

'gem install rmagick' 

from my prompt and it all worked fine.

Now I can call from a Rails app Gemfile

gem "rmagick"

And then 'bundle install' works fine.

PS: please note that I first installed Rails with http://www.railsinstaller.org.

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