Ruby Array Element Grouping

How to group identical elements in Ruby array

Here is how to do that in Ruby.

array.group_by{ |x| x }.values

How to group array elements by index?

You can use slice_after to slice the array after each item whose index is in idx:

idx = [1, 5, 7]
arr = %w[a b c d e f g h i j k]

arr.enum_for(:slice_after).with_index { |_, i| idx.include?(i) }.to_a
#=> [["a", "b"], ["c", "d", "e", "f"], ["g", "h"], ["i", "j", "k"]]

That enum_for is (unfortunately) needed to chain slice_after and with_index.

Group by, array of arrays in ruby

Use following

some_array.group_by{|a| [a[0], a[1]]}
.map{|key, value| key + []}

For multiple values in group by

2.3.1 :046 > some_array = [["FANUC CORP", "100048", 9], ["FANUC CORP", "100048", 26]
, ["FANUC CORP", "100048", 23], ["FANUC CORP", "100048", 111]
, ["FANUC CORP", "100049", 19],["FANUC CORP", "100049", 126],
["FANUC CORP", "100049", 123], ["FANUC CORP", "100049", 1111]]
=> [["FANUC CORP", "100048", 9], ["FANUC CORP", "100048", 26],
["FANUC CORP", "100048", 23], ["FANUC CORP", "100048", 111],
["FANUC CORP", "100049", 19], ["FANUC CORP", "100049", 126],
["FANUC CORP", "100049", 123], ["FANUC CORP", "100049", 1111]]

2.3.1 :047 > some_array.group_by{|a| [a[0], a[1]]}
.map{|key, value| key + []}
=> ["FANUC CORP", "100048", [9, 26, 23, 111],
"FANUC CORP", "100049", [19, 126, 123, 1111]]

Ruby Array of Arrays Group and Count by Values

Using Enumerable#group_by:

Array.group_by { |month, b| month }.map{ |month, xs|
xs.count {|_, b| !b}, # false
xs.count {|_, b| b}] # true
# => [["June", 3, 0], ["October", 1, 0]]

How can I group items in a ruby array based on characteristics of each element?

You can do that with a regex (followed by a messy bit to insert hyphens as required):

VOWELS = 'aeiou'

R = /
(?= # begin positive look-ahead
( # begin capture group 1
(?: # begin a non-capture group
[#{VOWELS}]+ # match one or more vowels
| # or
\A # match the beginning of the string
) # end non-capture group
[^#{VOWELS}]+ # match one or more consonants
(?: # begin a non-capture group
[#{VOWELS}]+ # match one or more vowels
| # or
\z # match end of string
) # end non-capture group
) # end capture group 1
) # end positive lookahead
/x # extended mode

def extract(str)
arr = str.scan(R).flatten
arr[0].insert(0, '-') unless VOWELS.include?(arr[0][0])
arr[-1] << '-' unless VOWELS.include?(arr[-1][-1])

extract 'compare' #=> ["-co", "ompa", "are"]
extract 'compared' #=> ["-co", "ompa", "are", "ed-"]
extract 'avacados' #=> ["ava", "aca", "ado", "os-"]
extract 'zzz' #=> ["-zzz-"]
extract 'compaaared' #=> ["-co", "ompaaa", "aaare", "aare", "are", "ed-"]

Ruby group array of arrays to merge them into one single array based on unique key in arrays

I'm not certain that I understand the question but I expect you may be looking for the following.

arr = [
["ABC", "5A2", nil, "88474"],
["ABC", nil, "2", "88474"],
["ABC", nil, nil, "88474"],
["ABC", nil, nil, "88474"],
["Jack", "5A2", nil, "05195"],
["Jack", nil, "2", "05195"],
["Jack", nil, nil, "05195"],
["Jack", nil, nil, "05195"]

arr.each_with_object({}) do |a, h|
h.update(a.first=>a) { |_k, oa, na| { |ov, nv| ov.nil? ? nv : ov } }
#=> [["ABC", "5A2", "2", "88474"], ["Jack", "5A2", "2", "05195"]]

This uses the form of Hash#update (a.k.a. merge!) that employs the block

{ |_k, oa, na| { |ov, nv| ov.nil? ? nv : ov } }

to determine the values of keys that are present in both the hash being built (h) and the hash being merged ({ a.first=>a }). See the doc for a description of the three block variables, _k, oa and na.1

I can best explain how the calculations procede by salting the code with puts statements and running it with an abbreviated array arr.

arr = [
["ABC", "5A2", nil, "88474"],
["ABC", nil, "2", "88474"],
["Jack", "5A2", nil, "05195"],
["Jack", nil, "2", "05195"],
arr.each_with_object({}) do |a, h|
puts "\na = #{a}"
puts "h = #{h}"
puts "a.first=>a = #{a.first}=>#{a}"
h.update(a.first=>a) do |_k, oa, na|
puts "_k = #{_k}"
puts "oa = #{oa}"
puts "na = #{na}"
a =
puts " = #{a}" do |ov, nv|
puts " ov = #{ov}, nv = #{nv}"
puts " ov.nil? ? nv : ov = #{ov.nil? ? nv : ov}"
ov.nil? ? nv : ov
end.tap { |h| puts "h = #{h}" }.values
#=> [["ABC", "5A2", "2", "88474"], ["Jack", "5A2", "2", "05195"]]

The following is displayed.

a = ["ABC", "5A2", nil, "88474"]
h = {}
a.first=>a = ABC=>["ABC", "5A2", nil, "88474"]
(The block is not called here because h does not have a key "ABC")

a = ["ABC", nil, "2", "88474"]
h = {"ABC"=>["ABC", "5A2", nil, "88474"]}
a.first=>a = ABC=>["ABC", nil, "2", "88474"]
_k = ABC
oa = ["ABC", "5A2", nil, "88474"]
na = ["ABC", nil, "2", "88474"] = [["ABC", "ABC"], ["5A2", nil], [nil, "2"], ["88474", "88474"]]
ov = ABC, nv = ABC
ov.nil? ? nv : ov = ABC
ov = 5A2, nv =
ov.nil? ? nv : ov = 5A2
ov = , nv = 2
ov.nil? ? nv : ov = 2
ov = 88474, nv = 88474
ov.nil? ? nv : ov = 88474

a = ["Jack", "5A2", nil, "05195"]
h = {"ABC"=>["ABC", "5A2", "2", "88474"]}
a.first=>a = Jack=>["Jack", "5A2", nil, "05195"]
(The block is not called here because h does not have a key "Jack")

a = ["Jack", nil, "2", "05195"]
h = {"ABC"=>["ABC", "5A2", "2", "88474"], "Jack"=>["Jack", "5A2", nil, "05195"]}
a.first=>a = Jack=>["Jack", nil, "2", "05195"]
_k = Jack
oa = ["Jack", "5A2", nil, "05195"]
na = ["Jack", nil, "2", "05195"] = [["Jack", "Jack"], ["5A2", nil], [nil, "2"], ["05195", "05195"]]
ov = Jack, nv = Jack
ov.nil? ? nv : ov = Jack
ov = 5A2, nv =
ov.nil? ? nv : ov = 5A2
ov = , nv = 2
ov.nil? ? nv : ov = 2
ov = 05195, nv = 05195
ov.nil? ? nv : ov = 05195
h = {"ABC"=>["ABC", "5A2", "2", "88474"], "Jack"=>["Jack", "5A2", "2", "05195"]}

1. As is common practice, I began the name of the common key, _k, with an underscore to signal to the reader that it is not used in the block calculation. Often you will see such a block variable represented by an underscore alone.

Grouping an array on the basis of its first element, without duplication in Ruby

You can do a secondary transform to it:

array.group_by(&:first).collect do |key, values|
[ key, values.collect { |v| v[1] } ]

Alternatively just map out the logic directly:

array.each_with_object({ }) do |item, result|
(result[item[0]] ||= [ ]) << item[1]

Grouping subarrays in array by the same items Ruby

Next time it would be great if you will add some steps you was tried to do to get what you want, here is a fast solution:

> arr.group_by(&:shift).map(&:flatten)
#=> [["cat", "15", "20", "356"], ["dog", "17", "89", "336"], ["bird", "65", "545"]]

But, this will mutate original arr

@Md.FarhanMemon have good solution without mutate

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