How to Make an Infowindow Automatically Display as Open with Google-Maps-For-Rails

How do I make an infowindow automatically display as open with Google-Maps-for-Rails

Your code is almost perfect. Except that instead of:, marker);

You should have:, marker);

Indeed, is a container, is the google object.

I know these names are confusing. Sorry.

PS: be sure to put this code under the gmaps call in your view.

Get marker infowindow using gmaps4rails

instead of use marker.infowindow.render_to_string refer this link (

Make map marker direct link onclick for gmaps4rails

For this kind of needs, I pass a block to the gmaps4rails method in the controller (doc here):

@json = User.all.to_gmaps4rails do |user, marker|
marker.json "\"id\": #{}"
# or
marker.json "\"link\": #{method_to_create_link}"

This way I can have any additional information I need to create a link or anything.

That said, you could update your listener this way:

base_url = "whatever you need";
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function(){
window.location(base_url +;
// or

Passing paramters from rails views to jquery (gmap)

You need to create a helper function that returns a string containing the map JavaScript using the parameters you specify.

In your app/helpers/controllername_helper.rb file:

def show_map(lat, long, zoom)
"$('#map').gMap({ markers: [{ latitude: #{lat}, longitude: #{long}, zoom: #{zoom} });"

Then in your view app/views/controllername/actionname, call it using the same code you referenced in your question:

<script type="text/javascript">
<%= show_map ("47.66","9.56","6") %>

Drag and update location - how to do this?

There are many errors in your code. Hard to explain one by one.

Here is a solution suggestion.

Basically when you use


its already a google maps object, so dont do:


Add a carriage return into a Google Maps Snippet

You will have to create your own info window View using GoogleMap.setInfoWindowAdapter. The default info window implementation seems to remove newlines.

gmaps4rails gem: to_gmaps4rails method undefined

You're using code from v1.x and 2.x.

to_gmaps4rails has been removed from the code base. So your first shot was ok:

def index
@hash = Gmaps4rails.build_markers(TelemetryRecording.all) do |telemetry_recording, marker| telemetry_recording.latitude
marker.lng telemetry_recording.longitude
marker.title telemetry_recording.delivery_unit.driver.full_name
marker.infowindow telemetry_recording.delivery_unit.driver.full_name
respond_with @hash

and in the js

<script type="text/javascript">
handler ='Google');
handler.buildMap({ provider: {}, internal: {id: 'map'}}, function(){
var markers = handler.addMarkers(<%=raw @hash.to_json %>);

$('body').on('click', '#replace_markers', function(){
$.getJSON("/telemetry_recordings", function(newMarkers){
handler.removeMarkers(markers); // to remove previous markers
markers = handler.addMarkers(newMarkers);

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