When Trying to Run Rspec, I Get "Uninitialized Constant Activemodel"

When trying to run rspec, I get uninitialized constant ActiveModel

Why are you running rspec spec? The typical thing to run is rake spec.

Try bundle exec rspec spec or bundle exec rake spec.

If that doesn't work, try to see if something is wrong with the rest of your environment -- try bundle exec rails console and bundle exec rails server

Another thing to check, is there anything odd in .rspec in your project file, or ~/.rspec?

Rspec uninitialized constant ActiveRecord(NameError)

I think the tutorial might be trying to transition from using RSpec on a plain Ruby object to using the rspec-rails gem on an ActiveRecord object. For the examples that use rspec-rails, you should have a model in the file app/models/zombie.rb. This is what the spec in spec/models/zombie_spec.rb will look for. Also, your specs will need to require rails_helper rather than spec_helper.

# app/models/zombie.rb
class Zombie < ActiveRecord::Base

validates :name, presence: true

def hungry?

# spec/models/zombie_spec.rb
require 'rails_helper'

describe Zombie do
it 'is invalid without a name' do
zombie = Zombie.new
zombie.should_not be_valid

Rspec error uninitialized constant

Read your assignment carefully - maybe one of your tasks is to add the file and implement the class TitleBracketsValidator so it passes all the provided tests?

I'd search for the class in your sources. If not there - maybe you should create one. If it's there - then it's a loading issue. require it in your specs and notify the recruiter that you fixed a possible bug (for extra points maybe)

Failing to run RSpec (uninitialized constant User (NameError)

After removing --warnings from .rspec (thank you kirti), current error was about capybara version being too low (requires 2.2). After installing the latest version (modifying gemfile and bundle install), rspec appears to be executing correctly. Thank you to all for your comments.

When run RSpec I get uninitialized constant Name::Name::Engine

Use the fully qualified name in your spec instead of placing your specs in a module.


RSpec.describe Foo::Bar::Baz do



module Foo
module Bar
RSpec.describe Baz do


Besides the fact that writing specs at 3 levels of indentation is ugly as heck you're asking for a kick in the privates by changing the context as it will try to resolve everything from the Foo namespace so that you have to use ::SomeOtherModule to refer to everything else.

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