Error Pushing Ruby on Rails to Heroku

Why I get an Error when trying deploy Ruby on Rails app to Heroku?

OK, I solved the problem. Maybe it will help someone in the future:

  • update Ruby version to 2.6.1
  • gem uninstall bundler and install again gem install bundler -v 2.0.2
  • delete Gemfile.lock and bundle install
  • git push heroku master
  • it works :)

What is this error when pushing Rails App to Heroku

I had same issue while deploying my rails application on Heroku. I resolve this by changing bootstrap version in package.json file

from :

Sample Image


Sample Image

Source :

Unable to build and deploy Rails app on heroku - Throws gyp verb cli error

I had a similar problem but resolved by following steps.

  1. Run the following command. heroku buildpacks:add heroku/nodejs --index 1
  2. Update node version from 16.x to 12.16.2 in package.json.

Pushing the app to production on Heroku is failing

Your code is deployed just fine. But something about your application is throwing an error when you try to load the homepage.

Heroku is really friendly for checking the logs.

You can check the logs in your dashboard. The URL will be like this:

Or, install the Heroku Command Line Interface
then from the console, within your project file, do this:
heroku logs -t

This will print out the server logs on your local console.

I'd bet a dollar that you actually forgot to perform a migration:

heroku run rails db:migrate

This is usually the thing I forget to do.

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