Rails "Template Is Missing" Error

How to fix a missing template error?

If @announcement fails to save in AnnouncementsController#create, you render the default view for the action - in this case create.html.erb which doesn't exist. Thus, you get the error you're seeing.

Usually, the create action would re-render the template with the form. Usually that's the new action, which would mean adding render "new" to the else part of your create action.

In your case however, it seems like it's in the "shared/announcements_form" partial, which would mean adding

render "shared/announcements_form"

to your create action.

Template is missing

This error happens if you don't redirect in the create method of your controller.

Are you redirecting in the create method in the controller or rendering the new form, in case of error?

Without the redirection in the create method in the controller, you need to make a new file called create.html.erb. Usually, after successful creation, you redirect to some other page like shown below

def create
# some object you want to create
# if the object.save is fine
# redirect_to object
# else
# render new with the errors
# end

getting Missing Template error while creating a new user

I think you need to add else part to handle when user is not saved

def create
@user = User.new(new_params)
if @user.save
redirect_to admin_home_user_panel_path
#do render or redirect_to

Rails4: Template is missing error with PDFKit

The reason you are getting Missing template /show is because from the controller using template: "show" isn't specific enough for rails to know where in your views folder to find the show file.

You can see the evidence of this in your error where it says it searched for show inside ../app/views. You need to use the template parent folder along with the template name.

change this

format.pdf do
html = render_to_string template: "show"

to this

format.pdf do
html = render_to_string template: "schedules/show.html.erb"

Template is missing in Rails

Your template would need to be inside of /views/application for the convention to work.

Rails looks inside of /views/CONTROLLER/action by convention without specifying a specific location.

/views/application/startpage.html.erb should work in your situation.

Bonus learning points:

A common practice I see for creating normal, static pages, is a PagesController which handles each of them. Doing this, your route would point to pages#startpage and your view would be inside of /views/pages/startpage.html.erb -- Just a tip!

Rails Template is Missing Error

Notice how your controller action and your error says pages/show_admin_panel (with underscores) but your view is called pages/adminpanel.html.erb (no underscores and no "show" part in the beginning).

Ruby on Rails Template is missing Error

The name of your template file should be "settings.html.erb". You're missing an "e" in the file extension.

Note the part of the error where it says :handlers=>[:rxml, :erb, :builder, :rjs, :rhtml]. The file extension of your view must be one of these for the template to be processed.

Ruby on Rails - template missing error

It seems like your project path for your rails app has has a folder with square brackets in the name (the folder titled Rails [Ruby]) :

/Users/Constantin/Development/Rails [Ruby]/new-app/app/views

Remove the square brackets from the folder name and restart your server.

For more information, check out this issue: Rails projects do not work if project path contains open bracket "["

Also change your get route to be like this:

get 'welcome/index' => 'welcome#index'

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