Running Rake Task from Within War File

Running rake task from within war file

Finally found something that works.... i first tried

java -jar lib/jruby-complete-1.6.7.jar -S rake db_migrate[1] 

which was working fine on my personal machine but giving me something like the message below on production

rake aborted!
cannot load Java class com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

Tasks: TOP => db_migrate
(See full trace by running task with --trace)

this was because i was using gems like sequel, logger etc inside my rake task.... i head those installed on my machine but not on production machine.... installing those gems on production was not an option.... so i installed the gems required in the rake task in a separate directory and converted it into a jar file( this command finally worked...

java -jar lib/jruby-complete-1.6.7.jar -rlib/mygems.jar -S rake db_migrate[1]

point to note: no matter where you place the jar file, warbler 'll always send this to lib directory although you 'll still see a dummy jar file at the original location...
i think the solution can be a bit neater if worked out in a couple of ways, although haven't tried this....

i>by including the gem files in jruby-complete-1.6.7.jar itself as mentioned in the blog mentioned above...

java -jar lib/jruby-complete-1.6.7.jar -S rake db_migrate[1]

should work then...

ii>by writing some kind of a manifest file and include it in the mygems.jar to make this run independently... if this happens

java -jar myapp.jar -S rake db_migrate[1] 

should work

How to run rake tasks with warbler with -cp option

java -jar does look for the main-class in the specified archive

java -cp does only add a .jar to class-path

... it doesn't know what main-class to run you will need to set it manually

e.g. java -cp app.war WarMain -S ...

Running Rake Tasks under Tomcat and JRuby

Turns out this command works

java -jar /var/lib/jruby/jruby-complete-1.5.6.jar -S rake  db:migrate RAILS_ENV=staging

as long as I download the jruby-complete jar and make sure I have the ENV:


Executing rake tasks on an exploded war on tomcat without jruby being installed

Stay tuned. I hope to have this capability in Warbler 1.4. Jake Goulding, a community member, has been doing some great work on this.

Until then, a typical approach would be to ensure all your Rake and database scripts are present in the war file, then just unpack it somewhere, cd to WEB-INF inside the unpacked war, and run something like java -cp lib/jruby-core*.jar:lib/jruby-stdlib*.jar org.jruby.Main -S rake -T.

Load rake files and run tasks from other files

You can either put your tasks into rakelib/ folder which rake loads by default or add a specific folder in your Rakefile via:

Rake.add_rakelib 'lib/tasks'

A General Method to be invoked before every rake execution

This seems to be a bit awkward, But it may help others.


will return an array of information including Rake name and its arguments.
Reference attached below.

pry(main)> a = Rake.application.top_level_tasks
=> ["import_data[client1,", "data.txt]"]

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