So Transparent That I Can't Catch It...Using Rghost to Emulate Ghostscript Command as Would Be on Virtual Printer

Sending ghostscript output file directly into ruby executable

Basically, you can't do this. The pdfwrite device opens the output stream as 'seekable' which clearly isn't compatible with a pipe or other similar construct. You need to have a local file.

Use Ghostscript to convert each page of a PDF to images and the output is still PDF

Your -switches include -dDetectDuplicateImages=true which under the circumstances should be superfluous and the device selection can be from one of four as pointed out by KenS.

gs -o 0.999.watermask.compact.screen.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfimage32 -dPDFSETTINGS=/screen 0.999.watermask.pdf

Sample Image

If you want to emulate MS Print As Image PDF on Windows you would find the result in some ways inferior (and often many times bigger). But for comparison it would be,

NOTE:- "%%printer%%... is for a batch file for a command line use "%printer%...

gswin64c.exe -sDEVICE=mswinpr2 -dNoCancel -o "%%printer%%Microsoft Print to PDF" -dPDFSETTINGS=/screen -f "0.999.watermask.pdf"

Querying Ghostscript for the default options/settings of an output device (such as 'pdfwrite' or 'tiffg4')

Since Ghostscript is a full-blown PostScript interpreter, you can also send PostScript snippets to it which do not cause the drawing of page elements, but which query it for its internal state.

If you want to know what the default settings of the Display are, when you ask it via gs some.pdf to just display a PDF on screen, you could try this:

gs \
-c "currentpagedevice {exch ==only ( ) print == } forall"

On Windows this becomes:

gswin32c.exe ^
-c "currentpagedevice {exch ==only ( ) print == } forall"

The result is a list of /SomeName somevalue pairs which describe the settings used for rendering pages to the current screen.

This is so because usually the display is the default device for Ghostscript to send its output to. Now you may notice that you'll see an empty Ghostscript window pop up, which you'll have to close.... Ah, how about adding some options to avoid the popup window?

gs \
-o /dev/null \
-c "currentpagedevice {exch ==only ( ) print == } forall"

Or, on Windows:

gswin32c.exe ^
-o nul ^
-c "currentpagedevice {exch ==only ( ) print == } forall"

But this will change the query return values, because you (unintentionally) changed the output device settings:

gs -c "currentpagedevice {exch ==only ( ) print == } forall" | grep Resolution


HWResolution [86.5426483 86.5426483]
/.MarginsHWResolution [1152.0 1152.0]

Compare this to

gs \
-o /dev/null \
-c "currentpagedevice {exch ==only ( ) print == } forall" \
| grep Resolution


/HWResolution [72.0 72.0]
/.MarginsHWResolution [72.0 72.0]

So, please avoid this trap. I successfully fell into it a few years ago, and didn't even notice it for quite a long time...

Now assuming you want to query for the default settings of the PDF writing device, run this one:

gs \
-o /dev/null \
-sDEVICE=pdfwrite \
-c "currentpagedevice {exch ==only ( ) print == } forall" \
| tee ghostscript-pdfwrite-default-pagedevice-settings.txt

You'll now have all settings for the pdfwrite device in a *.txt file. and you may repeat that with some other interesting Ghostscript devices and then compare them for all their detailled differences:

for _dev in \
pswrite ps2write pdfwrite \
tiffg3 tiffg4 tiff12nc tiff24nc tiff32nc tiff48nc tiffsep \
jpeg jpeggray jpegcmyk \
png16 png16m png256 png48 pngalpha pnggray pngmono; \
do \
gs \
-o /dev/null \
-sDEVICE=${_dev} \
-c "currentpagedevice {exch ==only ( ) print == } forall" \
| sort \
| tee ghostscript-${_dev}-default-pagedevice-settings.txt; \

It's rather interesting to compare the settings for, say, the pswrite and ps2write devices like this (and also discover parameters which are available for the one, but not the other device):

sdiff -sbB ghostscript-ps*write-default-pagedevice-settings.txt


As you may imagine this is also a great way to compare different Ghostscript versions, and track how default settings may have changed for different devices in recent releases. This is especially interesting if you want to find out about all the newly implemented color profile and ICC support which is now present in Ghostscript.

Also, to avoid the return of just -dict- for certain key values, use the === instead of == macro. === acts like == but also prints the content of dictionaries.

So here is the example output for the pdfwrite device. Remember, Ghostscript's pdfwrite device is meant to provide mostly the same functionality as Adobe Acrobat Distiller (with the additional feature that it does not only accept PostScript as input, but also PDFs, so you can sort of redistill existing PDF files in order to repair, improve or otherwise manipulate them). Therefore, Ghostscript's pdfdevice honors most of the setdistillerparams operator which the original Distiller also supports:

gs \
-o /dev/null \
-sDEVICE=pdfwrite \
-c "currentpagedevice {exch ==only ( ) print === } forall" \
| sort

/%MediaDestination 0
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/NumCopies null
/OPM 1
/OffOptimizations 0
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/OutputAttributes << 0 << >> >>
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/UserPassword ()
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/sRGBProfile (None) [*]

[*] Note:

According to the official documentation, the following settings (which are supported by Adobe Acrobat Distiller) currently on Ghostscript can be set and queried, but setting them does have no effect:

  • /AntiAliasColorImages
  • /AntiAliasGrayImages
  • /AntiAliasMonoImages
  • /AutoPositionEPSFiles
  • /Binding
  • /CalCMYKProfile
  • /CalGrayProfile
  • /CalRGBKProfile
  • /CannotEmbedFontPolicy
  • /ConvertImagesToIndexed
  • /CreateJobTicket
  • /DetectBlends
  • /DoThumbnails
  • /EmitDSCWarnings
  • /EndPage
  • /ImageMemory
  • /LockDistillerParams
  • /Optimize
  • /PreserveCopyPage
  • /PreserveEPSInfo
  • /PreserveHalftoneInfo
  • /PreserveOPIComments
  • /sRGBProfile
  • /StartPage
  • /UsePrologue

Avoid tryCatch to return something in case of fail

If you just want stop to not include the beginning part of the error message you just set the call. argument to FALSE.

f <- function(x){
expr = {
x <- 1 + x
}, error = function(cond){
stop("non-numeric argument to binary operator", call.=FALSE)
x <- 1
x <- f("a")

Error: non-numeric argument to binary operator

[1] 1

Enabling drag'n'drop in Vue, without build tools

the solution I came up with is based on creating a ghost element, removing dragged Item from items array.

First of All put itemId and innerContainerId on the item and innerContainer components, and also define eventListeners on item component:

v-for="innerContainer in innerContainers"
class="innerContainersStyle drop-zone"

for item:


v-for="item in getItemsFromInnerContainer("

declaring functions:

    const dragStart = (event) => {
//find Item in items and save
this.draggingItem = this.items.find(i => { ==})
//remove item from initial container:
this.items.splice(1, this.items.indexOf(this.draggingItem))

//make the ghost elem: (big father is a parent element that can safely be relatively positioned)

const bigFather = document.querySelector('body')
const newDiv = `${}` = 'relative'
bigFather.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', newDiv)
let element = bigFather.lastElementChild;
// set the ghost element id to easily remove it on drop: = 'ghost-element'
setDraggingElStyle(element, event)

Set ghost element style:

    const setDraggingElStyle = (element, event) => {
const targetRect =
const translateLeft = `${event.clientX - targetRect.left}px`
const translateTop = `${event.clientY -}px` = 'absolute'; = `${window.getComputedStyle(}` = `${window.getComputedStyle(}`
//you can set ghost element opacity here: = `0.5` = '0 !important'
// set the ghost element background image, also you can set its opacity through rgba = 'linear-gradient( rgba(0,0,0,.5) , rgba(0,0,0,.2) , rgba(0,0,0,.5) ) '
element.dir = 'rtl' = `translate(-${translateLeft}, -${translateTop})`
setTopLeft(event, element)

this function moves the ghost element anywhere you drag it:

    const setTopLeft = (event, ghostElement) => {

if (!ghostElement) ghostElement = document.querySelector('#ghost-element')
let touchX = event.clientX
let touchY = event.clientY
try { = `${ window.scrollY + touchY}px` = `${window.scrollX + touchX}px`
} catch(err) {

It has to update ghost elem top and left on drag:

    const dragMove = (event, element) => setTopLeft(event, element)

const dragEnd = (event, cb) => {
let targetEl;
// targetEl is set to be the destination innerContainer
targetEl = document.elementFromPoint(event.clientX, event.clientY);
const isDropZone = returnRealDropZone(targetEl, 2)
if (!isDropZone) return

targetEl = returnRealDropZone(targetEl, 2)
let targetContainerId = targetEl.dataset.innerContainerId
this.draggingItem.innerContainer = targetContainerId
// by pushing dragging item into items array (of course with the new innerContainer ID) it will be
// shown in the new container items.
// you may want to prevent new created item from being created at the end of target container array.
// I suggest you index the container's children to put this item exactly where you want

//delete ghost element:
if (!targetEl ) return console.log('there is no targetEl')
cb(targetEl, event)

function returnRealDropZone(element, parentsCount) {
if (element.classList.contains('drop-zone')) return element
else if (parentsCount > 0 ) {
return returnRealDropZone(element.parentElement, parentsCount-1)
} else {
return false


here is code sandbox fit to your simplified project:
(Also changed the Item.js and put itemStyle in computed properties)

  computed: {
itemStyle() {
return {
width: this.getWidth() + "px",
height: this.calcHeight() + "px",
top: this.calcTop() + "px"


you can see codesanbox that works for me:


I can see that my solution won't work on Firefox; that's because Firefox returns DragEvent.clientX = 0.
To fix that, I have an idea which I'm pretty sure is not an economic and clean way!
On Mounted hook, you can get the mouse position from dragover event (on window) and set it on component properties (this.mouseX and this.mouseY)

  mounted() {
//get mouse coordinations for firefox
//(because firefox doesnt get DragEvent.clientX and DragEvent.clientY properly)
window.addEventListener('dragover', event => {
this.mouseX = event.x
this.mouseY = event.y

Then, you can use this properties in setTopLeft function in case the browser (firefox) return DragEvent.clientX = 0.

setTopLeft(event) {
let touchX = event.clientX || this.mouseX ;
let touchY = event.clientY || this.mouseY ;

(I also edited codesandbox)

How to remove ghost image when dragging an img using CSS or JavaScript?

Since @Kaiido don't want to answer the question, I'll answer this question myself using his advice.

As @Kaiido pointed out in the comments of the question, jQuery wraps the dom events. The original event is available through event.originalEvent. So I can just modify my "Trial and error #3" like

$('img').on('dragstart', function (event) {
var emptyImage = document.createElement('img');
// Set the src to be a 0x0 gif
emptyImage.src = '';
event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.setDragImage(emptyImage, 0, 0);

Drawing a semi-transparent rectangle in iOS

I guess that the reason why you can't see the transparency of your rect is the presence of a background color in your view.

Would you try setting the view background color like this:

self.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];

BTW, this statement, as well as any statement setting a property of your custom view (e.g., self.alpha = 0.7;) should go into the init method.


as pointed out by @borrrden, the real property to set in order to make the trick is possibly opaque. This is usually set to YES and thus implies the following, according to Apple Docs:

An opaque view is expected to fill its bounds with entirely opaque content—that is, the content should have an alpha value of 1.0. If the view is opaque and either does not fill its bounds or contains wholly or partially transparent content, the results are unpredictable. You should always set the value of this property to NO if the view is fully or partially transparent.

Setting the background color to clearColor will likely set the value of this property to NO as a collateral effect.


I do not understand why you are overriding drawRect in a custom UIView to draw a semi-transparent rectangle, maybe because I do not know what you are trying to do. In any case, an alternative approach to this you might want to look into is using nested UIViews or nested CALayers, where you assign a different alpha/opacity to any of them.

If you are just interested in rectangles with varying degrees of opacity, this would be as simple as nesting UIViews in a parent view and assign the each of them a semi-transparent background color.

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