How to Display a Link to Individual Microposts? (Ruby on Rails 3)

how to display a link to individual microposts? (ruby on rails 3)

You should add a new route to your routes.rb file like the following:

match '/users/:username/:id', to 'microposts#show', via: :get, as: :user_micropost

and on the page that shows user's microposts, add the link as:

<a href="<%= user_micropost_path(username: @user.username, id: %>">Whatever..</a>

On the microposts controller, add the method show:

def show
@user = User.find_by_username(params[:username])
@post = Post.find_by_id(params[:id])
# handle any errors from the code above

and create under


the new page that will display the micropost.

Rails 3: Link that puts user information a specific section of to the current page, without refresh?

This is a good task for a bit of javascript or jQuery. It looks like you're new to Rails so I'll start with the js and css inline, and you can move it to the correct locations once you understand how it works.

Start by getting the content you want in your comments_snippet div so the page looks like you want it to look after the link is clicked. Then change comments_feed:

<div class="comments_feed" id="comments" style="display: none;">

Refresh the page, and verify the div doesn't show up. Then at the top of your view add a bit of javascript to show:

<script type="text/javascript">
function show() {
document.getElementById("comments").style.display = "block";

Then add a link to call it:

<%= link_to "Show comments", "javascript:void(0)", onclick: "show()" %>

In a real app you might use a js library like jQuery, or css transitions, for a smooth show/hide animation. You should also keep your styles and js in separate files so they can be compiled by the Rails asset pipeline. I think that's covered later in the microposts tutorial.

how to display individual listings? Ruby on Rails

Here is what I did to get it to work (with the help of the following stackoverflow post how to display a link to individual microposts? (ruby on rails 3))

Routes rb.

match '/users/:id/:id', to 'listings#show', via: :get, as: :user_listing

users view file

add the link

<li><%= link_to "Show", user_listing_path(id:, id: %></li>

Changed my listing_controller file

def show
@user = User.find_by_id(params[:id])
@listing = Listing.find_by_id(params[:id])


link_to post ID in Rails

Long answer

Rails generates a number of handy named routes for you when you add routes to your routes.rb file. Usually when in doubt for routes I take a look at my rake routes task which shows you a list of all available routes. Try running rake routes > routes.txt and open up the corresponding routes.txt file.

The resulting file will list out a series of requests for you, in your case you should see something similar to this for your microposts controller:

          POST      /microposts(.:format)                microposts#create
micropost GET /microposts/:id(.:format) microposts#show
DELETE /microposts/:id(.:format) microposts#destroy

Rake routes produces the following information for each of your routes (where applicable):

  1. The route name (if any)
  2. The HTTP verb used (if the route doesn’t respond to all verbs)
  3. The URL pattern to match
  4. The routing parameters for the route

With that information in mind be can simply look at the urls provided in the routes.txt file for the url we're trying to get to (/microposts/25). You'll see that the listed /microposts/:id(.:format) url pattern handles that perfectly. Lo and behold it also maps to the microposts#show action that you want so now to get the named route just look at the first column to appear and you'll see the "microposts" keyword. Simply add _path` to this and you'll have your named route usable in views to generate link urls. Since this particular route requires an id parameter (as detailed in the url pattern) you have to pass the named route helper and id argument as well.

Also in your routes.rb file when you add resources :something it generates routes for each of the default seven RESTful routes (new, create, edit, update, delete, index, show). In your case you're explicitly telling rails to generate default routes for the actions create, destroy and show so you can erase the line at the bottom
match "/microposts/:id" => "microposts#show"
because that's already being handled.

Short answer

Change this:

<%= link_to feed_item.title, @micropost %>

To this:

<%= link_to feed_item.title, micropost_path(feed_item) %>

See Ruby on Rails Guides: Rails routing from the Outside In for all you need to know about routes.

How to link to users/id/microposts in Ruby on Rails?

In routes.rb, you should have something like this:

match '/users/:id/microposts' => 'microposts#index_by_user', :as => :microposts_by_user

and in view, you can do like this:

<%= link_to "Microposts", microposts_by_user_path( @user) %>

Making links an active URL?

You're just showing the link. If you want to make a link:

<td><%= link_to('link', url_for(micropost.content)) %></td>

Displaying only unique values and many associated values on a html page

This will get one value for each competition name:

@entries.reduce({}){|m,e| m[] = e.competition; m}.values

You can do likewise for

Rails 3 / nested routes: Problem to redirect to the correct url for a collection of microposts in a user show page

You need to pass in @micropost as well:

<%= link_to "show this micropost", user_micropost_url(@user, @micropost) %> #link for every microposts displayed

You could also shorten it to:

<%= link_to "show this micropost", [@user, @micropost] %> #link for every microposts displayed

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