Ruby Stack Failed to Deploy on Google Developers Console

Ruby Stack failed to deploy on Google Developers Console

I replicated the issue you experienced several times and it also failed. What finally worked was playing with the zones/regions when deploying the ruby stack :

Developers console > Click-to-deploy > Set MySQL password > Advanced Options, choose a different zone and click Deploy.

Another useful tool when investigating this is Console Output. Even if the deployment fails, you can go to the VM instance and check View Output towards the bottom of the page. It will list all the packages and any errors encountered. The following command will achieve the same thing:

$ gcloud compute instances get-serial-port-output <INSTANCE_NAME> --project <PROJECT_ID> --zone <ZONE_NAME>

Please advise if still seeing issues.

MEAN development stack failed to deploy

We just rolled out a fix to our stack deployment today. Please try again at your convenience.

MEAN failed to deploy

Try using Bitnami's prebuilt MEAN stack to deploy MEAN on Google Compute Engine.

google cloud app engine deploy failed

You need to give the service user (in your case ) Editor role. To do this

  • Open the IAM & Admin page in the Cloud Platform Console.

  • Select your project and click Continue.

  • Click Add member.
  • Enter the email address of the service account, select an Editor role and click Add.

ERROR: ( Error Response: [2] Build failed;

  1. To fix first one( if there is no dockerfile in your application,which should be generated automatically.)

    Go to your ruby sample file which you failed to deploy. (Mine was "2-cloud-sql" like below)

    $ cd 2-cloud-sql

And I executed next command.

$ gcloud preview app gen-config --custom

If you have questioned "update now?" answer y(yes).
Then "app.yaml" file becomes custom but original is kept as written , and "dockerfile" is made.

Next I was asked to update some Cloud SDK components, so write command below.

$ gcloud components update

And I did below

$ bundle install

  1. There should be already "Dockerfile" in your sample app.
    Open and see.

In my case these 3 places(in yellow square) were indented and went to next line unnaturally .~But in another google tutorial, there are no such a strange line ,so I did not need change "dockerfile" in that case.Please see dockerfile and check whether there are places to change like mine below.~

Go and check a picture

So I fixed these strange parts like this.

Here is a picture

Before "if" there was a strange change of line and also before "&& \".

After fixed and saved Dockerfile

I executed these commands like google instruction.

$ RAILS_ENV=production rake assets:precompile

$ gcloud preview app deploy

This is all I did, I hope it could be some help for you.

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