Variables in Ruby Method Names

Variables in ruby method names

You can use #send method to call object's method by method's name:

object.send(:foo) # same as

You can pass arguments with to invoked method:

object.send(:foo, 1, "bar", 1.23) # same as, "bar", 1.23)

So, if you have attribute name in variable "attribute" you can read object's attribute with


and write attribute's value with

object.send("#{attribute}=".to_sym, value)

In Ruby 1.8.6 #send method can execute any object's method regardless of its visibility (you can e.g. call private methods). This is subject to change in future versions of Ruby and you shouldn't rely on it. To execute private methods, use #instance_eval:

object.instance_eval {
# code as block, can reference variables in current scope

# or

object.instance_eval <<-CODE
# code as string, can generate any code text


You can use public_send to call methods with regard to visibility rules.

object.public_send :public_foo # ok
object.public_send :private_bar # exception

How can Ruby tell the difference between variables and method names if they have the same scope?

variable would be first, but you can call method:

def foo

foo = 44

#=> 44
>foo() #also you can call it by: || My omission, thanks @CarySwoveland

#=> 33

On question


@SergioTulentsev gave a good answer:

local variable has priority over bracketless method call because otherwise it wouldn't be possible to refer to the variable

Also, for more information about methods and variables you can read here

Rails - variable as part of method name

You could try using send

send("#{col_str}_greater_than".to_sym, 30)

Local variables and methods with the same name in Ruby?

In ruby you can have local variables and methods with the same name. This has some complications for example with setter methods in classes:

class Test
def active

def active=(value)
@active = value

def make_active
active = true

t1 = = true #=> true

t2 =
t2.make_active #=> nil

Code for t1 object will return expected result, but code for t2 returns nil, because make_active method is actually creating local variable and not calling active= method. You need to write = true to make this work.

When you write gen_class, ruby tries to access local variable, if it is not defined ruby tries to call method. You can call your method explicit by writing gen_class().

Method and variable name is the same

Try this:

puts hello()

Use variable method names in rails

I think what you're looking for is method_missing - take a look for example at these articles.

method's local variable with same name as another method

I think that the local variable is declared as soon as it's enunciated. In ruby the lookup is first to look for a local variable, if it exists it's used, and if not it looks for a method. This would mean that val = val declares the first val as local and the left-hand val then matches it (not sure about it I should check the ruby under microscope to be sure)

If you try

class A
def val

def test
back = []
x = val
back << x
val = x + 1
back << val
x = val
back << x


then all is good, it prints [10, 11, 11] which means the first x = val calls the method, the second calls the local variable, presumably.

Rails - How to use variable as part of method name

Use Object.send to call method by name. For example,

def my_action(state)
if [:start, :end].include?(state)

Make sure to validate state variable for security. Object.send can call any method including private ones.

naming methods as variables calling methods Ruby

so my question is: how can you assign a variable calling a method as a
method name? It feels like I'm missing something..

You don't. In this code

def name=(name)
@name = name

name= isn't a variable name calling a method =. The name of the method is name=.


In the above code snippet the def paired with a terminating end constitutes a method definition.

def method_name(param1, param2)
# method body

On the same line as def there can only be the method name, optional parentheses, and the param list. By definition having a "variable calling a method" in that line would be illegal. So in your code name= is the method name.

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