Best Practice: Try VS Rescue

Best Practice: Try vs Rescue

Try and rescue serve different purposes. The purpose of try is to save you from having to do:

if user &&

Or any situation where the parent object can possibly be nil, which would cause a NoMethodError on NilClass. The purpose of rescue is to handle exceptions that get thrown by your method invocation. If you expect an exception from calling, then you can rescue nil it to prevent the exception from bubbling up.

In general, I'd say avoid using rescue nil unless you know explicitly what exceptions you are rescuing because you could be rescuing a different exception, and you would never know it because rescue nil would prevent you from seeing it. At the very least maybe you could log it:

...some code...
rescue => ex
logger.error ex.message

Ruby rescue and best practice syntax

The usual rule of thumb is that exceptions should be reserved for exceptional circumstances, those that you don't expect in the normal flow of control. For one thing, they're usually slower than the alternatives.

Here's what I prefer for your scenario:

foo = SomeActiveRecordModel.find_by_bar(10).try(:foo) || ''

Am I abusing rescue for nil checks?

I think you are abusing rescue a bit, though in Rails, there is a specific method for these issues: try. Documentation

In your case, item.user.try(:name) might be a nicer approach.

Is it good practice to use exceptions for control flow in Ruby or Ruby on Rails?

Rails is in no way consistent in its use of exceptions. find will raise an exception if no object is found, but for saving you can choose what behaviour you want. The most common form is this:

# formulate a reply
# formulate an error reply, or redirect back to a form, or whatever

i.e. save returns true or false. But there is also save! which raises an exception (adding an exclamation mark to the end of a method name is a Rubyism for showing that a method is "dangerous", or destructive, or simply that it has side-effects, the exact meaning depends on the context).

There is a valid reason for why find raises an exception, though: if a RecordNotFound exception bubbles up to the top level it will trigger the rendering of a 404 page. Since you usually don't catch these exceptions manually (it's rare that you see a rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound in a Rails app), you get this feature for free. In some cases though, you want to do something when an object does not exist, and in those cases you have to catch the exception.

I don't think that the term "best practice" actually means anything, but it is my experience that exceptions aren't used for control of flow in Ruby anymore than in Java or any other language I have used. Given that Ruby doesn't have checked exceptions, you deal with exceptions much less in general.

In the end it's down to interpretation. Since the most common use case for find is retrieving an object to display it, and that the URL for that object will have been generated by the application, it may very well be an exceptional circumstance that the object cannot be found. It means that either the application is generating links to objects that don't exist, or that the user has manually edited the URL. It can also be the case that the object has been removed, but a link to it still exist in a cache, or via a search engine, I would say that that too is an exceptional circumstance.

That argument applies to find when used as in your example, i.e. with an ID. There are other forms of find (including the many find_by_* variants) that actually search, and those don't raise exceptions (and then there is where in Rails 3, which replaces many of the uses of find in Rails 2).

I don't mean to say that using exceptions as control of flow is a good thing to do, just that it's not necessarily wrong that find raises exceptions, and that your particular use case is not the common case.

Rails 'service objects' best practice - class method or instantiate

In Ruby, I don't find that there's much of a difference.

I find the use of class variables in your "static" version a bit disturbing.

I think the class version might lead to more-creative re-use through subclassing, but that brings its own set of headaches unless things are designed as correctly as possible.

Exception Handling - is this good practice?

else if (min < 0f || max < 0f)
throw new WrongElementValueException("Min/max must be greater than 0!");
else if (min > 100f || max > 100f)
throw new WrongElementValueException("Min/max must be lesser than 0!");

I'd note that there is already ArgumentOutOfRangeException that's defined for precisely this sort of case.

if (min >= max)
throw new WrongElementValueException("Min must be greater than max!");

This should definitely be an ArgumentException, but if WrongElementValueException inherits from ArgumentException, then that's fine.

Your general approach is sound. I'd consider going further:

HasValue = true;

Why allow for the class to ever not have a value. Consider if you add:

public Element(float min, float max)
SetRange(min, max);

Now you can never have an instance without its values set, and can get rid of HasValue entirely.

Note though that I changed this from float? to float. You might well be advised to do that throughout the class. Otherwise if you have a need for cases where Min and Max are null, (and therefore don't want to get rid of HasValue) you need to catch that case in SetRange:

public void SetRange(float? min, float? max)
if (min < 0f || max < 0f || min > 100f || max > 100f)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
if (min >= max)
throw new WrongElementValueException("Min must be greater than max!");
Min = min;
Max = max;
if(min.HasValue && max.HasValue)
Average = (min + max)/2f;
HasValue = true;
Average = null;
HasValue = false;

(I'd also generally favour double and double? over float and float? unless you've a strong reason otherwise).

Incidentally, we generally use "exception handling" to talk about how code that's using this code deals with the fact that your code threw an exception, with just what the best thing to do is depending on the context of that code rather than this code.

Is try catch in actors always bad practice?

It's perfectly fine to catch exceptions and make them into responses when you feel it's appropriate. I'd recommend using Scala's Try, as in:

Try(dangerousOperation()) match {
case Success(res) => sender() ! res
case Failure(ex) => sender() ! UnableToStoreThingy("reasons...", ex)

Or something like that (you can also { ex => doThings(ex) }), depends on your style preference.

DRY-ing up begin-rescue-end

DRYing this up is a great idea and a good lesson in rails design (and Test Driven Development/TDD) if you can do so.

Ideally, you'd do something like this:

def create
grid = Tag.find_by_id(story[:tag_id]) or raise GridNotFoundError
event = Event.find_by_id(story[:event_id]) or raise EventNotFoundError
rescue GridNotFoundError[:error] = "Please select a category"
process_grid_not_found(item, story, race, etc...)
rescue EventNotFoundError[:error] = "Please select an event or create a new one if you don't find your event"
process_event_not_found(item, story, race, etc...)
rescue CreateEventError[:error] = "There has been a problem creating your event."
process_event_create_error(item, story, race, etc...)
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved, ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound[:error] = item.errors.full_messages.join(" ,")
process_other_error(item, story, race, etc...)
  render 'home/race_updates'

Then you should create the relavent new methods (process_event_not_found, etc) as separate (probably private) methods in the model.

This both makes the code much more readable, but has the great advantage be being much easier to write test code for.

So then you should write test code (using Test::Unit or rspec or whatever) that tests the isolated functionality required by each of the individual exception methods. What you'll find is that this both yields better code, as well as it also will likely break-down the exception methods into smaller, more modular methods themselves.

When you hear Ruby and Rails developers talk about the benefits of Test Driven Development, one of the main benefits of that approach is that it is much less likely to result in long, complex methods like the one you've got here. It's much more likely that you'll have code that is much DRYer, with smaller, simpler methods.

I'd also recommend that once you get through this you take another look and try to simplify it further. There will be more room for simplification, but I'd recommend refactoring it iteratively and starting with breaking it down as I've described and getting tests in place to start.

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