Sinatra with Figaro Gem

Sinatra with Figaro Gem

You should declare yuor variables in application.yml as explained at Figaro github README (in YAML syntax):

pusher_app_id: "2954"
pusher_key: "7381a978f7dd7f9a1117"
pusher_secret: "abdc3b896a0ffb85d373"

pusher_app_id: "5112"
pusher_key: "ad69caf9a44dcac1fb28"
pusher_secret: "83ca7aa160fedaf3b350"

You will be able to access the declared variables as follows:

ENV["stripe_api_key"] # => "sk_live_dSqzdUq80sw9GWmuoI0qJ9rL"
ENV.key?("stripe_api_key") # => true
ENV["google_analytics_key"] # => nil
ENV.key?("google_analytics_key") # => false

Why heroku detects my sinatra app as rails and fails?

You answered it yourself:
figaro depend on Rails (see the gemspec: Heroku detect rails application by looking if their Gemfile.lock contains the Railties gem, which is a dependency of rails.

So: yourapp -> figaro -> rails -> railties.

Hence the identification of your gem as a Rails App. Why are you using Figaro if not to help configure a Rails application anyway?

How to get application.yaml file after cloning repository

The file config/application.yml is not included in the repository for security

The README say:

... This creates a commented config/application.yml file and adds it to your .gitignore ...

The idea is to not have passwords, api key and other in the repository.

You have to write the configuration.yml file in each computer you have your sistem.

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