Grouped Collection Select Alphabetical Order Rails

Grouped Collection Select Alphabetical Order Rails

Option 1: In your City model, add a default scope that directs cities to be returned in alphabetical order:

# app/models/city.rb
default_scope :order => ' ASC'

Collections of City objects will, by default, be returned in alphabetically by name.

Option 2: Define a named scope in your State model that returns cities in alphabetical order as an association on a State object:

# app/models/state.rb
scope :cities_by_name, -> { cities.order(name: :asc) } # Rails 4

scope :cities_by_name, cities.order("name ASC") # Rails 3

Then, pass your scoped query to your grouped_collection helper:

f.grouped_collection_select :city_id, State.order(:name), :cities_by_name, :name, :id, :name, {:include_blank=> "Select a City"}, {:class=>'dropdown'}

Rails - order by, with grouped_collection_select

Shot in the dark without seeing your models:

<%= f.grouped_collection_select :issue_id, School.all, :issues, :name, :id, :name, :include_blank => true %>

Then add a default scope to your issues model.

default_scope :order => ' ASC'

Order Alphabetically and Display By Group

titles.group_by {|word| word[0].upcase }

So, then if:

titles = ['Apple', 'anothersomething', 'Bob']


grouped_titles = titles.group_by {|word| word[0].upcase }
=> {"A"=>["Apple", "anothersomething"], "B"=>["Bob"]}

In order to be certain about the ordering, you can sort the resulting Hash, which converts it into an array:

grouped_titles = grouped_titles.sort_by{|k, v| k}
=> [["A", ["Apple", "anothersomething"]], ["B", ["Bob"]]]

Then you can iterate over the resulting array.

<% grouped_titles.each do |initial_letter, titles| %>
-display stuff here-
<% end %>

Note that this is grouping in Ruby, rather than in the database (which would be done by using a .group method on the relation), but if you were already displaying all the data in the page, this method should be fine.

Order alphabetically and group by first letter

You should be able to do everything with your @alpha instance variable, since you're using group_by:

- @alpha = Glossary.find(:all, :order =>"title ASC").group_by{|u| u.title[0]}

- @alpha.each do |alpha, glossary_array|
%h1= alpha
- glossary_array.each do |item|
%p= item

options_for_select to sort in alphabetical order in ruby on rails

Actually the .sort method was misplaced so it was throwing me the error.

When I placed .sort method properly it worked as expected, which is shown as below;

options_for_select([['Z', 'Z'], ['T', 'T'], ['P', 'P'], ['B', 'B'], ['X', 'X'],['OTHERS', 'OTHERS']].sort)

rails group by and order by column

Try this, group_by will return you hash and you are trying to call [:sort] on an Array of [#<Category id:2, sort:1>, [#<Extra id:3>,#<Extra id:4]]

You should take them in two variables |key, value| and the key will be category

def index
@categories = Extra.all.group_by(&:category).sort_by{|category, _extras| category.sort }

Rails select_tag alphabetical order

after a hour all you have to do is .sort the array of options that are passed into the options_for_select. this is my hack its a fix but not very sexy

select_tag :id, options_for_select(Portal.all.collect{|p| [, portal_datum_path(]}.sort, [, portal_datum_path(@portal)]), :onChange => "window.location=($(this).val());"

hope that helps

Custom ordering for query results from ActiveRecord association

You can specify the default order in the has_many relationship.

class State < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :areas, -> { order(" ASC") }

Rails grouped collection select limit list

So I'm not sure where you are on this after previous comments and answer, but assuming your post above still stands, it looks like you're doing grouped_collection_select wrong. According to the docs, it should be more like

grouped_collection_select :event, :task_id, @workorderlist, @tasklist, :description, :id, :taskname

But part of the problem may be using an instance variable (@tasklist) when there should be a method there. The fourth element needs to be a group_method (= "The name of a method which, when called on a member of collection, returns an array of child objects representing the tags.") You can't call @tasklist on a member of your collection. So I would suggest making this an object method in your work_order model (assuming work_order has_many :tasks), like so:

class WorkOrder
def tasklist

so that then you can actually call the method :tasklist in that fourth position there.

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