Pg::Invalidparametervalue: Error: Invalid Value for Parameter "Client_Min_Messages": "Panic"

How to I resolve this Postgresql Invalid Paramater error?

I worked out how to get passed this issue:

This method in the postgresql_adapter.rb file:

    def set_standard_conforming_strings
old, self.client_min_messages = client_min_messages, 'panic'
execute('SET standard_conforming_strings = on', 'SCHEMA') rescue nil
self.client_min_messages = old

needs amending too:

    def set_standard_conforming_strings
old, self.client_min_messages = client_min_messages, 'error'
execute('SET standard_conforming_strings = on', 'SCHEMA') rescue nil
self.client_min_messages = old

How to find:

gem info pg

cd to location - for me this was:

cd /Users/williammurphy/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.4


grep -ri 'panic' .

change anything that is set to 'panic' to 'error' instead and this should see you through.

Postgres error invalid value for parameter TimeZone: UTC

I had the same problem using the from Heroku. Rebooting my Mac solved it.

How does 'client_min_messages' setting affect an application using libpq?

Messages are sent as a different message type on the PostgreSQL protocol, usually interleaved with the result stream. libpq sees them and picks them out, then adds them to a queue of notifications you can examine.

See the manual.

rake db:migrate failed

You need to first create the user kt1 , then create the database and give the user permission to it.

There is a way to let rails create the user and database, but in postgresql, it is best to do it by hand (IMHO)

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