Rails Routes: Get Without Param :Id

Rails routes: GET without param :id

Resource routes are designed to work this way. If you want something different, design it yourself, like this.

match 'users/me' => 'users#me', :via => :get

Put it outside of your resources :users block

Why redirecting to #show action without passing the :id param work (in rails)?

I found this in Rails source:

Missing routes keys may be filled in from the current request's
parameters (e.g. +:controller+, +:action+, +:id+ and any other
parameters that are placed in the path).

So here :id exists in the current request params and it's used for this route.

Rails 3 Routes with or without :id

perhaps if you use the optional parameter as

# Routes
match 'product_specs/(:id)' => 'home#product_specs'

# Controller
def product_specs
if params[:id].nil?
product_specs = ProductSpecs.all()
product_specs = ProductSpecs.find(params[:id])

Would something like that work?

Rails routes with :name instead of :id url parameters


The bottom line is you're looking at the wrong solution - the params hash keys are rather irrelevant, you need to be able to use the data contained inside them more effectively.

Your routes will be constructed as:

resources :controller #-> domain.com/controller/:id

This means if you request this route: domain.com/controller/your_resource, the params[:id] hash value will be your_resource (doesn't matter if it's called params[:name] or params[:id])



The reason you have several answers recommending friendly_id is because this overrides the find method of ActiveRecord, allowing you to use a slug in your query:

Class Model < ActiveRecord::Base
extend FriendlyId
friendly_id :name, use: [:slugged, :finders]

This allows you to do this:

def show
@model = Model.find params[:id] #-> this can be the "name" of your record, or "id"

How do I call my show method without any parameters?

You can't, at least when you use resourcesresources generates a standard group of routes that adhere to RESTful practices. In your case, it's generating get '/votes/:id', to: 'votes#show'

Because there is no matching param, it assumes that you're trying to go to votes#index

If you want to match both, I would do something like this in your routes.rb: get '/votes(/:id)', to: 'votes#show' the parens denote an optional param. You may need to put this prior to your resources block, or change your resources block to omit the show action.

More on params: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/v5.1.1/routing.html#bound-parameters

Ruby on Rails routes - Query parameter vs id

Because you have a dynamic segment in the same position as :id you have to use constraints on your route.


# `restaurants/1` will be ignored
# `restaurants/anything-else` will be routed to RestaurantsController#index
get 'restaurants/:category',
to: 'restaurants#index',
constraints: { category: /[^0-9]+/ }

resources :restaurants

Alternate route to `create` - route without id fails


resources :users do
post :new, on: :collection

You need to specify the HTTP verb, action and the target. If the target is :member, then Rails expects an "id" parameter and constructs the URL based on that.

Make sure to read this guide on Rails routes.

Rails 3 resource routing without an id

You can use to_param to craft the rails uses

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
def to_param

More info: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Base.html#method-i-to_param and http://www.seoonrails.com/to_param-for-better-looking-urls.html

If you go this route, you'll want to create a permalink attribute, and use Post.find_by_permalink(params[:id]) rather than Post.find(params[:id])

i have to put a parameter in routes.rb

Try to change this on routes.rb
get 'api/forecast/service_name:' , to: 'api/forecasts#index'

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