How to Dynamically Define a Method as Private

How do I dynamically define a method as private?

Test.instance_eval { private :private_method }

Or, just run

private :private_method

from within the Test class.

Dynamically create a public method in a private method

There are several problems with your code. The error you are getting has absolutely nothing to do with private or public at all. The error message says that the method create_method cannot be found. There are two reasons for that:

  1. You are calling it before it is defined. You need to move the call to create_method after its definition.
  2. create_method is defined as an instance method, i.e. for calling it on instances of Foo, but you are calling it on Foo itself. You have to define it as a method somewhere in Foo's class (i.e. Class), one of its ancestors (e.g. Module), or Foo's singleton class.

I will define it as a singleton method of Foo here, but if the method really is as generic as you have showed in your example, then it probably rather belongs in Module instead.

class Foo
class << self
def create_method(name)
define_method(name) do
puts "HELL"

["bar", "baz"].each do |method|

define_method: How to dynamically create methods with arguments

If I understand your question correctly, you want something like this:

class Product
class << self
[:name, :brand].each do |attribute|
define_method :"find_by_#{attribute}" do |value|
all.find {|prod| prod.public_send(attribute) == value }

(I'm assuming that the all method returns an Enumerable.)

The above is more-or-less equivalent to defining two class methods like this:

class Product
def self.find_by_name(value)
all.find {|prod| == value }

def self.find_by_brand(value)
all.find {|prod| prod.brand == value }

Dynamically create private methods in JavaScript

There are no private properties on javascript objects, and I'd say that it's fine to have them just prefixed with an underscore.

However, you could try:

$.fn.wPluginTest.extend = function(funcs) {
var proto = PluginTest.proto,
priv = Object.create(proto); // a private namespace inheriting from proto
for (func in funcs) {
if (func.charAt(0) != '_')
PluginTest.prototype[func] = funcs[func].bind(priv);
priv[func.slice(1)] = funcs[func];
// ^^^^^^^^^ not sure, might be confusing

Yet, those functions will not have access to the PluginTest instance they're called on - they're statically bound to the prototype objects - so it's probably a bad idea.

If any plugin needs real privateness, it should utilize variable scoping on its own.

How does dynamic binding work for private methods in base class in Java?

is the private sayHello from base class visible to the derived class?

Of course, no, because it has private access modifier.

More about access modifiers:

Controlling Access to Members of a Class

or is it a redefinition?

As you can see in the accepted answer to this question:

What's the difference between redefining a method and overriding a method?

the term "redefinition" isn't commonly used. We can talk about "overriding" and "overloading", but in your case sayHello from the Derived class is a kind of new method and it's not an overloaded version of sayHello from the Base class.

And why does the call to the derived sayHello from the base pointer
does not work?

Simply because you try to call method that doesn't belong to the open class interface.

I mean, if it were public (in Base), then the sayHello from the
derived class would have been called.

Of course, it's an expected polymorphic behaviour. In this case, sayHello from the Derived class overrides sayHello from the Base class, so you can call sayHello from the Derived class via the reference to the the Base class.

So, what I can not understand is that if it has to call the public
sayHello from the derived class, then why look at the access modifier
from the base class?

Because you use reference to the Base class and there's no sayHello method in the interface of the Base class.

I found a good discussion here:

Overriding private methods in Java

May be also useful for you:

Overriding and Hiding Methods

Hope it'll help you.

How to dynamically define a class method which will refer to a local variable outside?

Class methods don't really exist in Ruby, they are just singleton methods of the class object. Singleton methods don't really exist, either, they are just ordinary instance methods of the object's singleton class.

Since you already know how to define instance methods (using Module#define_method), you already know everything you need to know. You just need to call class_eval on C's singleton class instead of C itself:

(class << C; self end).class_eval do
define_method(:a_class_method) do
puts var

Current versions of Ruby have a singleton_class method to make that easier:

C.singleton_class.class_eval do
define_method(:a_class_method) do
puts var

But actually, current versions of Ruby also have Module#define_singleton_method, so, in this particular case, that is unnecessary:

C.define_singleton_method(:a_class_method) do
puts var

js dynamically access private fields (properties/members)

I dont think you can access private fields dynamically. The proposal says:

There are no private computed property names: #foo is a private identifier, and #[foo] is a syntax error.

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