Getting Error "Exceeded Available Parameter Key Space"

Getting error exceeded available parameter key space?

If you really need it badly try increasing the key_space_limit

Rack::Utils.key_space_limit = 262144 

But this can be dangerous as per this "A higher exposure to POST parsing DOS attacks."

Check this

Rails / javascript: "too many parameter keys" - what's a good way to normalize form data?

Error: exceeded available parameter key space

I had the same problem while trying to upload an image through the key space. I read something that helped me. You have to create a file in config/initializers that contains the following:

if Rack::Utils.respond_to?("key_space_limit=")
Rack::Utils.key_space_limit = 68719476736

My file is called rack_initializer.rb. What this does is increase the size of the key space so that you can transfer a larger parameter. The answer to your question is yes you can.

I hope this helps you.

Rails / javascript: too many parameter keys - what's a good way to normalize form data?

This issue was introduced by Rack few releases ago. Refer to these (1, 2) reports.
I addressed the issue by adding the following code to initializer file.

if Rack::Utils.respond_to?("key_space_limit=")
Rack::Utils.key_space_limit = 262144

How to catch a Rack RangeError in Rails 6

First, execute command to see all middlewares:

bin/rails middleware

config.middleware.use place your middleware at the bottom of the middleware stack. Because of that it can not catch error. Try to place it at the top:

config.middleware.insert_before 0, CatchErrors

Another point to mention, may be you will need to config.middleware.move_after or even config.middleware.delete some middleware. For instance, while tinkering I needed to place:

config.middleware.move_after CatchErrors, Rack::MiniProfiler

Cordova ajax call fail on real device and works in the emulator

I solved the problem by adding this code: Getting error "exceeded available parameter key space"?

Apparently the emulator images were really small and everything worked fine, but with normal images i get the following error:

App 15424 stderr: [ 2015-05-04 13:28:38.2529 15508/0x00000001a22140(Worker 1) utils.rb:84 ]: *** Exception RangeError in Rack application object (exceeded available parameter key space) (process 15508, thread 0x00000001a22140(Worker 1))

Maximum recursive updates exceeded in component

After hours and hours of trying I found out that I just had to remove the
getNFTNumber( function from my <NFTPane> Component

Initdb for PostgreSql gives shmget error

Use the ipcs -m command to know how much shared memory is already used out of shmmax (33554432 bytes).

Presumably it's near the maximum. The unused 6GB don't help if shmmax is so small.

Personally I wouldn't bother with such small values. Increase shmmax at something like 4Gb, shmall at the corresponding 1 million. There isn't any practical drawback to have high values.

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