Database Cleaner Not Working in Minitest Rails

Database Cleaner not working in minitest rails

Short answer:

gem install "minitest-around"

Long answer:

before/after or setup/teardown in minitest are NOT hooks as in rspec, therefore you can't have multiple before/after or setup/teardown in minitest, since what they do is just redefining the method.

To solve this issue, you can use minitest-around, which adds support for multiple before/after or setup/teardown and around, simply add the gem to your test group:

# put in your Gemfile
gem 'minitest-around', group: :test

For setting up the database_cleaner, you can have it as you want, following is an example of the setup:

# tests/support/database_cleaner.rb
DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :transaction

class Minitest::Rails::ActionController::TestCase
def setup

def teardown

And in your test files:

# tests/your/test/file_test.rb
require 'support/database_cleaner'

# assertions here ...

That's it, see the Github for detailed info.

MiniTest, Capybara, Fixture, Database_Cleaner not passing at second time

I've confirmed that the problem was my setup of database_cleaner.

Short version

:transaction strategy was not working for my setup cucumber+webkit/selenium. Changed to :deletion strategy.

What I learnt

It seemed I didn't study enough. I found out the following during my search for answer.

  1. Someone asked Why is the database cleaner transaction strategy not working with Cucumber and Selenium? - no answer

  2. How to set up database_cleaner for Rails with Cucumber and RSpec stated that

    The :transaction strategy does not work with Selenium

  3. database_cleaner readme stated that :transaction strategy imposes bit more working

    However, if you wind up needing to use multiple database connections in your tests (i.e. your tests run in a different process than your application) then using this strategy becomes a bit more difficult

Other worthy reading

  • Why you should be using Database Cleaner's deletion strategy
  • most recommended way to set up database_cleaner with rails, rspec, capybara and selenium -
  • Rails 4, Devise 3, MiniTest and Capybara for user login

database cleanup with capybara

You need to put the page.must_have_content 'USER SETTING & INFO' before the DatabaseCleaner.clean line. This is because when you click a button it can return immediately while the request triggered by the button click happens asynchronously. In your case this means you click the button, then clean the database, meanwhile the request to create the new user is sent and most likely arrives after the database has already been cleared thereby creating a user that doesn't get cleared.

Usually the DatabaseCleaner methods would be called from setup/teardown with minitest (before/append_after blocks with RSpec) to ensure that database cleaning doesn't occur until the test is complete, and that they get run even if something in the test fails.

Environment data not found in the schema. with database-cleaner when calling cucumber repeatedly on Rails 6

Turns out this problem was specific to database_cleaner 1.7.

A recent upgrade to 1.8.3 made this error stop happening.

(associated Github issue)

Rails minitest, database cleaner how to turn use_transactional_fixtures = false

You have a few options. One is to create a test without transactional fixtures and hope that the changes you make to the test database isn't going to break any other tests.

class SomethingTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
self.use_transactional_fixtures = false

def test_something_with_after_commit
# do work here, which will change your test database

Another option you have is to keep the transactional fixtures, but invoke the after_commit callback manually.

class SomethingTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
def test_something_with_after_commit
something =
# verify things happened as expected

And yet another option is to move the logic out of the after_commit callback into a new object, where you can write proper tests for it without relying on the callbacks to be invoked.

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