Rake Aborted! Stack Level Too Deep

rake aborted! stack level too deep

try placing bundle exec in front of the rake command.

bundle exec rake -T

Rails: rake db:migrate - stack level too deep

I tried everything, rake db:reset, deleting all migrations, and so on...

The problem was a gem. scrubyt gem in my gemfile caused all this trouble...

stack level too deep - when using Rake

Updating OSX is known to give issues in rubies, you should recompile all your rubies:

chown -R $USER: $rvm_path
rvm get head
rvm reinstall 1.9.3-p125
rvm all-gesmsets do rvm gemset pristine

Also note that any other compiled stuff like libraries needs recompilation, this includes homebrew, macports, rvm pkg and any packages you have compiled manually.

rake aborted! stack level too deep while deploying to Heroku

I was truly desperate so I asked another question. Apparently this is caused by sass and downgrading to sass-rails v3.1.4 v3.2.5 will make it work.

ROR: rake aborted! stack level too deep

'bundle exec rake db:migrate' was working for me in a similar situation, but it didn't seem "right".

I found 'rvm implode' to be the cleanest method for myself (though likely overkill). My problems arose sometime after upgrading to OS X Lion, when some gems no longer appeared to be installed.

rvm implode. reinstall rvm. install ruby. install rails. bundle install.

rake db:migrate worked again without prefacing it with bundle exec.

side note: I'd be curious to know more about what actually is going on here. I presume its a conflict with different versions of the same gem being installed? But I couldn't find any detailed logging that pointed towards a specific direction.

Rake error: Stack level too deep

You should specifically add Rake version >= 0.9.2 in your Gemfile!
There was a bug with some Rails 3 versions where you would see strange errors like this when you use an older Rake version.

In your Gemfile:

gem 'rake' , '>= 0.9.2'

I'd also recommend you create a new gemset specifically for your application, e.g.

rvm gemset create yourproject
rvm gemset use yourproject


rvm gemset use yourproject --default

for the new gemset, you might have to add "gem install rake" manually, then run "bundle install"

Using a separate gemset in addition to using your Gemfile is the best way to keep your gem versions in your project stable, and decoupled from other projects.

rake aborted! stack level too deep while deploying to Heroku

I was truly desperate so I asked another question. Apparently this is caused by sass and downgrading to sass-rails v3.1.4 v3.2.5 will make it work.

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