Specifying Content Type in Rspec

Setting Content-Type header for RSpec and Rails-API

A lot of frustration and variations and that's what worked for me.
Rails 3.2.12 Rspec 2.10

 @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "application/json"
@request.env["CONTENT_TYPE"] = "application/json"
put :update, :id => 1, "email" => "bing@test.com"

wrap_parameters seems to be working declared this way

wrap_parameters User, format: :json

being used for User model

How do you specify Content-Type (and other headers) and request body in RSpec Rails Controller test?

In RSpec 1.3 you can operate on a "request" variable. Something like this should work for you:

request.env['CONTENT_TYPE'] = 'application/json'
post :method_name

RSpec/rails not setting request headers

Switching from type :api to type :request gave me access to the request and response variables, which, before, I had to created variables myself to try access them.

When using type :api, I had access to last_response instead of response, because my type :api was including Rack::Test::Methods, which was messing up those variables (response and request), as according to this post.

When I switched to type :request, and was no longer importing Rack::Test::Methods, I was able to access request variable and saw that the desired headers were correctly added.

Using Rspec, how do I test the JSON format of my controller in Rails 3.0.11?

Try moving the :format key inside the params hash of the request, like this:

describe ApplicationsController do

let(:application) { Factory.create(:application) }

subject { application }

context "JSON" do

describe "creating a new application" do

context "when not authorized" do
it "should not allow creation of an application" do
params = { :format => 'json', :application => { :name => "foo", :description => "bar" } }
post :create, params
Expect(Application.count).to eq(0)
expect(response.status).to eq(403)
expect(JSON.parse(response.body)["status"]).to eq("error")
expect(JSON.parse(response.body)["message"]).to match(/authorized/)


context "authorized" do

Let me know how it goes! thats the way I have set my tests, and they are working just fine!

Rspec api documentation + apitome request body in json format

I found this in the rspec api doc config

# Change how the post body is formatted by default, you can still override by `raw_post`  # Can be :json, :xml, or a proc that will be passed the params

POSTing raw JSON data with Rails 3.2.11 and RSpec

As far as I have been able to tell, sending raw POST data is no longer possible within a controller spec. However, it can be done pretty easily in a request spec:

describe "Example", :type => :request do
params = { token: 0 }
post "/user/reset_password", params.to_json, { 'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'application/json', 'ACCEPT' => 'application/json' }
#=> params contains { "controller" => "user", "action" => "reset_password", "token" => 0 }

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