Find Number of Bytes a Particular Hash Is Using in Ruby

Memory size of a hash or other object?

ObjectSpace.memsize_of does work in 1.9.3, documented or not:

puts RUBY_VERSION #=>1.9.3

require 'objspace'

p ObjectSpace.memsize_of("a"*23) #=> 23
p ObjectSpace.memsize_of("a"*24) #=> 24
p ObjectSpace.memsize_of("a".*1000) #=> 1000
h = {"a"=>1, "b"=>2}
p ObjectSpace.memsize_of(h) #=> 116

Ruby finding data type of keys in hash

Use all? instead each:

config.is_a?(Hash) && config['points'].keys.all? {|key| key.is_a? Integer}

Note: Is there any reason why you're checking if config is a Hash? If it comes from yml file than this is redundant.

To tell whether there is a better way to do this, you would need to show the method you want pass this to and exactly how you are planning on calling it.

Get only Hexadecima values (bytes) from array in ruby

Given the comment, I assume that you really want to ask about matching pattern "space, hex, hex" up to the first non-match.

This would be like^( \X\X)+/)[0]

It uses the special \X placeholder for regular expressions that matches u̶p̶p̶e̶r̶c̶a̶s̶e̶ hex digits (0-9,A-F,a-f).

Additional info:

Again based on my interpretation of the question, if the original array is long (or a stream) there is no need to consume it all. You should better stop generating characters as soon as possible:

hexs = "0123456789ABCDEF"
take_while { |spc, h1, h2| spc == 32 && hexs.include?(h1) && hexs.include?(h2) }.

This way any piece of your integer array is not even taken into account.

Ruby get the size in bytes of an array

Like WTP said, you probably intend on returning the size of the JSON representation instead of ruby representation of the array, because the JSON is the actual response to the browser. You can do this by encoding beforehand (yielding a string) and then checking its size.

response['Content-Length'] = ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(items).size

More about JSON serialization and rails

How do I get a value from a hash that is in the array?

If the array always has 1 hash in it, you can eassily access the hash based on the index like array[0].

So you can change your next_pay variable to return the hash inside the array like this:

next_pay = Luckyfit.request('GET','/client_tickets/payed_finished/' + client_ticket['id'].to_s)[0]

Now the next_pay variable is the hash you want it to be and from there you can access the keys like this:

client_ticket['next_pay'] = next_pay['next_pay']

And in the end your code would look like this:

next_pay = Luckyfit.request('GET','/client_tickets/payed_finished/' + client_ticket['id'].to_s)[0]
client_ticket['next_pay'] = next_pay['next_pay']

To make it a bit more readable I would suggest to change some variable names and use string interpolation like this:

next_pay_date = Luckyfit.request('GET',"/client_tickets/payed_finished/#{client_ticket['id']}")[0]['next_pay']
client_ticket['next_pay'] = next_pay_date

SHA2 and byte management in Ruby

The sha should not be generated via .to_s, you need the binary string version. In addition you are feeding more and more blocks into the same digest, whilst your exercise is specifically about a process for doing the same thing but under your own control (i.e. in your own code).

So instead of maintaining a digest object, and calling .to_s on it to fetch each sub-hash, you should calculate the hash fresh each time using the Digest::SHA2.digest( data ) class method

Try this instead:

video_chunks, sha = chunker, ''

video_chunks.reverse_each { |chunk| sha = Digest::SHA2.digest( chunk+sha ) }

# Convert to hex:
puts sha.unpack('H*').first

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