Expected #Count to Have Changed by 1, But Was Not Given a Block

expected #count to have changed by 1, but was not given a block

The #change matcher expects a block in which some action is performed that effects the expected change. Try this:

expect { Account.create(account: acc) }.to change{ Account.count }.by(1)

See https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/v/2-0/docs/matchers/expect-change

Expected Count to change by 1 but was changed by 0 - Pry within Rspec

Issue is with the attributes_for and the association with FactoryBot. This made the test pass:

it 'should create existing customer' do
expect do
post :create, params: { existing_customer: FactoryBot.attributes_for(:existing_customer)
.merge(region_id: create(:region)) }
end.to change(ExistingCustomer, :count).by(1)

Rspec - expected #count to have changed by 1, but was changed by 0

I don't know enough about your setup to determine if it's an error in the upstream code or if it's simply a race condition. My gut tells me you're racing. Try adding a sleep after the click save to see if that helps.

If your test is booting up a second process for your server (which I suspect it is) then your test is firing off a request (to be handled by the server at some future time) and then immediately checking the blog count. The request hasn't been handled by your server by the time you're checking the blog count.

Instead of checking the blog count at the database level, I'd recommend checking text or elements on the page. The user is getting some feedback from the save right? Assert against that.

rspec to have changed by 1, but was changed by 2

Calling subject within your expect block evaluates the subject block. Subject block calls your action, but it needs to evaluate custom_action to do so. In the end, while evaluating the block, your custom_action block creates one CustomAction and your actual, controller action creates one more during the request.

Change your let to let! to fix your test.

(LikesController#create) expected #count to have changed by 1, but was changed by 0 ,Please teach me a hint

You've got an error in your code somewhere, most likely, which is why the Like count fails to increment. First, I'd try and figure out why it isn't incrementing. Since you asked for a hint, here's one way you can split out the "success like function" block:

context "valid" do
before do
post :create, format: :js, params: { post_id: post1.id, id: like.id }

it "success" do
# You can inject a binding.pry here if needed
expect(response.status).to eq(200)

it "response" do
# You can inject a `binding.pry` here if needed
# You can also inspect the `response.body` with puts if needed
expect(JSON.parse(response.body)).to include(
# You would modify this to match the shape of your response
post: a_hash_including(
like: like.id

You'll want to install pry-rails and pry-byebug gems (for inspecting).

The reason behind splitting them up is it makes it easier to determine the issue (you can have a valid response code but not the expected result, for example). This comes with some caveats (it will make for slower tests) but in this example it will make it easier to determine why your post is failing.

The snippet above should help you debug the error; once you fix it you can revert back to your previous method of checking.

expected result to have changed by 1, but was changed by 0

Here, you're showing your comments controller, expecting one of its actions to be hit. However, your test case is actually calling the create route of the Subscriptions controller.

When, in your test case, you write describe SubscribersController do, you are establishing a scope for the HTTP requests you make in that block.

So when you call post :create, subscriber: subscriber, comment: comment,
it's the Subscriptions controller which is being hit.

In general, in order to debug, you should

  1. check that the area of code in question is being called
  2. check that values are correct (here, that would mean that the Comment.create object is successfully saved.

Rspec expect( ) vs expect { }

The expect(...) syntax is used to expect that the return value of the statement in the parentheses matches a certain condition, like:

expect(result).to eq(3)
expect(list).not_to be_empty
expect(string).to match(/regexp/)
expect(1..10).to cover(3)

The expect { ... } runs the block and doesn't really care about the return value of the block, but instead about the side-effects of running the code in the block. Like that another value changes by running the block or that an exception is raised.

expect { api_request }.to raise_error(NotFoundError)
expect { object.action }.to change(object, :value).from(old).to(new)
expect { actual }.to output("some output").to_stdout

Find more examples in the RSpec docs

In your example

expect { array << 1 }.to change { array.count }.by(1)

because a side-effect of pushing a value into an array is that the count of elements in the array changes. But

expect(array << 1).to change { arr.count }.by(1)

does not work, because the return value of expect(array << 1) is [1, 2, 3, 1] and this syntax does not support the change matcher.

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