Rails How to Change Attribute Name When Rendering JSON

Rails how to change attribute name when rendering json?

You can do this with a one-line method in Pakke:

def as_json(*args)
super.tap { |hash| hash["name"] = hash.delete "navn" }

Calling super will generate json hash as usual, then before it's returned you'll swoop in and change the key of the "navn" entry.

Change JSON attribute name on POST in Rails?

You can try this

Suppose your params are

params = { post: {
name: 'war', users_attributes: [
{ title: 'Ruby documentation browser!' },
{ title: 'the modern citizen' },
{ title: '', destroy: '1' }]}}

users = params.values[0].delete(:users_attributes)
params.values[0][:users] = users

in rails json rendering, how to show a different key name for a particular attribute

If you're able to add an attribute accessor for _id called just id, then this should be easily solved by overriding as_json in your model.

def id

def as_json(options={})
options.merge!(:except => :_id, :methods => :id)

Update: Made the override a bit more friendly to the parent method.

Rails Adding Attributes to JSON Serializer

class UserSerializer
def initialize(user)

def to_serialized_json(*additional_fields)
options ={
only: [:username, :id, *additional_fields]


each time you want to add new more fields to be serialized, you can do something like UserSerializer.new(@user).to_serialized_json(:token, :errors)

if left empty, it will use the default field :id, :username

if you want the json added to be customizable

class UserSerializer
def initialize(user)

def to_serialized_json(**additional_hash)
options ={
only: [:username, :id]


UserSerializer.new(@user).to_serialized_json(token: @token, errors: @user.error.messages)

if left empty, it will still behaves like the original class you posted

Changing attribute name in record objects

You can override the name in the as_json method of the Group class:

def as_json(*args)
super.tap { |hash| hash["group_id"] = hash.delete "id" }

Rails how to change attribute name when rendering json?

rails render json add custom attribute

Adding a method to my model called message that returns a string and then calling,

render :json => Group.find(params[:id]), :methods => :message 

did the trick.

Ruby on Rails render json: ignoring alias_attribute

I wouldn't expect render json: @accounts to include the aliased attributes at all. The alias_attribute just gives you the luxury of referring to the attribute with another name - it doesn't replace the original name at all.

If you do want to include the aliases in your json output for a model you can override as_json and add those methods explicitly:

def as_json(options = {})
options[:methods] ||= []
options[:methods] += [:name, :description]

(I've deliberately omitted :id as that may be a special case - not entirely sure and can't test locally at the moment)

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