Split Seeds.Rb into Multiple Sections

Split seeds.rb into multiple sections?

In ./db/seeds/my_module.rb:

module MyModule
puts "In my_module.rb"
# add code here

In ./db/seeds.rb:

require File.expand_path('../seeds/my_module', __FILE__) # the ../ just removes `seeds.rb` filename from the path which is given by __FILE__

p "In seeds.rb"
# add code here

Split seeds.rb file

Since your seeds.rb file is Ruby, then you can do anything in it you can do in Ruby. Like routes.rb and Gemfile you can get quite creative if required.

Just be sure that you don't do anything so crazy it would actually require some debugging. As long as you keep your actions clear, there should be no confusion. That is, don't use custom helper methods that are defined in some other file that could malfunction and would have to be tracked down by hand. It's probably best to stick to the simplest solution when doing things like this.

How to create seeds.rb array?

The reason it didn't work is that you actually passed three arrays with two hashes in each of them.

Pass a single array to the #create method with a single hash for each record you want to create.
For example:

Department.create([{ deptitle: 'dept 1', deptdescription: 'this is the first dept' },
{ depttitle: 'dept 2', deptdescription: 'this is the second dept' }])

But instead of 'creating an array' you could use a simple loop to create Department records.

10.times do |x|
Department.create({deptitle: "dept #{x}", deptdescription: "this is the #{x} department"})

In my opinion it looks cleaner, takes less place and it is easier to change number of seed records if you need to.

To create a numeral from a number (for "this is the Xst dept" sentence) you could use a humanize gem.

Rails How to use FactoryGirl in Seeds.rb?


require Rails.root.join('spec','helpers.rb')
require 'rubygems' #so it can load gems
require 'factory_girl_rails' #so it can run in development


def seed_data

Is there a way to db:seed only one table in Rails?

With below custom rake file, you can have multiple seed files in db/seeds/ folder.

# lib/tasks/custom_seed.rake
# lib/tasks/custom_seed.rake
namespace :db do
namespace :seed do

Dir[File.join(Rails.root, 'db', 'seeds', '*.rb')].each do |filename|
task_name = File.basename(filename, '.rb').intern

task task_name => :environment do

task :all => :environment do
Dir[File.join(Rails.root, 'db', 'seeds', '*.rb')].sort.each do |filename|


Then, in order to run specific seed file, you can just run

rake db:seed:seed_file_name

To run all the seeds file with order in that db/seeds folder, run below command

rake db:seed:all

Rails 3 seed file loads everything but data for User model

Try using .create! instead to make it throw and exception if something is going wrong with validation.

simulate timestamp in seeds.rb

The problem is this line:

product.created_at = i.days.ago,

You need to get rid of the trailing comma, that's why you're ending up with an array for created_at. Fix that and you can get rid of the before_save callback.

Edit: The reason you are getting the --- in there is because whatever ORM you are using is trying to serialize the Array and it's turning it into YAML.

simulate timestamp in seeds.rb

The problem is this line:

product.created_at = i.days.ago,

You need to get rid of the trailing comma, that's why you're ending up with an array for created_at. Fix that and you can get rid of the before_save callback.

Edit: The reason you are getting the --- in there is because whatever ORM you are using is trying to serialize the Array and it's turning it into YAML.

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