Returning True or Error Message in Ruby

Returning true or error message in Ruby

I would say that methods that return different types (e.g. boolean vs. string vs. numbers) under different circumstances are a bad practice.

If you have some sort of test method that wants to return details of why the test has not passed then you can return a pair of values (an Array) as follows:

def test(x)
if x == 1
return true, "x is fine"
return false, "Error: x is not equal to one."

and then write the section of your controller code as:

valid, message = @item.save_image(params[:attachment][:file])

if !valid
flash[:notice] = message
redirect_to(new_item_url) and return

If you're talking about a save_image method that will succeed the majority of the time but may fail and you want to indicate this failure and the reason then I would use exceptions e.g.

def save_image(file)
raise "No file was specified for saving" if file.nil?
# carry on trying to save image

and then your controller code would be along the lines of:

result = @item.save_image(params[:attachment][:file])
rescue Exception => ex
flash[:notice] = ex.message
redirect_to(new_item_url) and return

How to return error messages in rails

You should return the errors which occurred (if any) while creating the object. Your object is an instance of Spaceship::Tunes::Application, so you should be searching for whether this class defines any instance methods which return validation errors.

I am not familiar with this class, but after a quick look into it's documentation I do not see that it even has any validations in create method.

So you can just return a custom error message if by any chance the object creation failed.

As to

what status should I return with the error in this case?

Take a look into the list of status codes and pick suitable one (I think 400 (Bad Request) would do).

Ruby: How do I return a boolean value if the correct error is raised?

When an exception has been raised but not yet handled (in rescue, ensure, at_exit and END blocks) the global variable $! will contain the current exception and $@ contains the current exception’s backtrace.

Do as below (using inline rescue way):

2.0.0-p0 :001 > [1, 2, 3].first("two")
TypeError: no implicit conversion of String into Integer
from (irb):1:in 'first'
from (irb):1
from /home/kirti/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p0/bin/irb:16:in '<main>'
2.0.0-p0 :002 > [1, 2, 3].first("two") rescue $!.class == TypeError
=> true
2.0.0-p0 :003 > [1, 2, 3]['a'] rescue $!.class == TypeError
=> true
2.0.0-p0 :004 > [1, 2, 3]['a']
TypeError: no implicit conversion of String into Integer
from (irb):4:in '[]'
from (irb):4
from /home/kirti/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p0/bin/irb:16:in '<main>'
2.0.0-p0 :005 > 1/0 rescue $!.class == TypeError
=> false
2.0.0-p0 :006 >


Raised when encountering an object that is not of the expected type.

[1, 2, 3].first("two")

raises the exception:
TypeError: no implicit conversion of String into Integer

In your case you could write as below :

some_method(arg) rescue $!.class == TypeError

ActiveRecord valid? method returning true even with errors present

You should be adding the method as a validator, once the validator is done, you can check valid?

Remove the before_create and then add:

validate :allow_unique_only

How to check and return string or return false and exit if statement

parsed.dig('error').to_s.downcase.include?('email does not exist')

to_s converts nil to ''. No need for downcase! because you don't need to mutate the original object and because it returns nil if no changes were made; just use downcase.

Note that your example uses symbolized keys and your code uses stringified keys, so it'll never match:

parsed = {error: "Email does not exist"} # key is symbolized
parsed.dig('error').to_s.downcase.include?('email does not exist') # key is stringified
=> false

parsed = {error: "Email does not exist"} # key is symbolized
parsed.dig(:error).to_s.downcase.include?('email does not exist') # key is symbolized
=> true

Since you're using Rails, you can make your life a little easier with indifferent access. This allows hash keys to be accessed by string or by symbol:

parsed.with_indifferent_access.dig('error').to_s.downcase.include?('email does not exist')
=> true
parsed.with_indifferent_access.dig(:error).to_s.downcase.include?('email does not exist')
=> true

Using this gives you some flexibility.

Rails returning validation error message from model method

save! throws an exception, while save just returns true or false. Just remove the exclamation mark.

How to return a value or conditionally raise an error in Ruby?

I wouldn't strain to write a one-liner, but you can use tap if you absolutely must:

def data
(@data ||= SNL.get_list(name)).tap { |d| d.success? or raise }

Also with short-circuited logic:

def data
(@data ||= SNL.get_list(name)).success? && @data or
raise }

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