Error Installing Rubymine, No Sdk Specified, But It Is Listed

Error installing rubyMine, no SDK specified, but it is listed

I went into settings and an SDK was already listed, but it wasn't until I clicked 'update gems' that everything got installed ok. Then I was able to start and use the application fine.

Sample Image

Error On Running Ruby Code named No SDKs Specified

You need to configure the SDK here:


Use the Add SDK... button and specify the path to the ruby executable on your system.

On Windows you should install Ruby using binary release. Not the source package.

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Rubymine can't find SDK. Where is it?

If you are on windows its where ever you installed ruby under the bin folder as diplayed here If you are on a unix base system go to the terminal and enter which ruby and you will point it to the directory listed. Assuming you have ruby installed

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