How to 'Unload' ('Un-Require') a Ruby Library

Is it possible to 'unload' ('un-require') a Ruby library?

Like @Alex said, you could use the Kernel#fork to create a new ruby process where you will require your libraries. The new forked process will have access to data loaded in the parent process:

def talk(msg)
# this will allow us to see which process is
# talking
puts "#{}: #{msg}"

# this data was loaded on the parent process
# and will be use in the child (and in the parent)
this_is_data = ["a", "b", "c"]

talk "I'm the father process, and I see #{this_is_data}"

# this will create a new ruby process
talk "I'm another process, and I also see #{this_is_data}"
talk "But when I change `this_is_data`, a new copy of it is created"
this_is_data << "d"
talk "My own #{this_is_data}"

# let's wait and give a chance to the child process
# finishes before the parent
sleep 3

talk "Now, in the father again, data is: #{this_is_data}"

The result of this execution will vary in your machine, the will return different values, but it will be like these:

23520: I'm the father process, and I see ["a", "b", "c"]
23551: I'm another process, and I also see ["a", "b", "c"]
23551: But when I change `this_is_data`, a new copy of it is created
23551: My own ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
23520: Now, in the father again, data is: ["a", "b", "c"]

And this is good! Each process created by fork is an O.S. level process and run in it's own memory space.

Another thing you can do to somehow manage the globals created by loading a file, is replace the use of require by load. This approach doesn't solve all the problems already pointed, but really can help. See the following specs:

require "minitest/autorun"

describe "Loading files inside a scope" do

def create_lib_file(version)
libfile = <<CODE
class MyLibrary#{version}
VERSION = "0.0.#{version}"

class String
def omg_danger!

puts "loaded \#{MyLibrary#{version}::VERSION}"

File.write("my_library.rb", libfile)

after do
File.delete("my_library.rb") if File.exists?("my_library.rb")

describe "loading with require" do
it "sees the MyLibrary definition" do
require_relative "my_library.rb"
MyLibrary1::VERSION.must_be :==, "0.0.1"
"".respond_to?(:omg_danger!).must_be :==, true

describe "loading with #load " do
describe "without wrapping" do
it "sees the MyLibrary definition" do
load "my_library.rb"
MyLibrary2::VERSION.must_be :==, "0.0.2"
"".respond_to?(:omg_danger!).must_be :==, true

describe "using anonymous module wraping" do
it "doesn't sees MyLibrary definition" do
load "my_library.rb", true
->{ MyLibrary3 }.must_raise NameError
"".respond_to?(:omg_danger!).must_be :==, false

And the result of execution:

Run options: --seed 16453

# Running tests:

loaded 0.0.3
.loaded 0.0.2
.loaded 0.0.1

Finished tests in 0.004707s, 637.3486 tests/s, 1274.6973 assertions/s.

3 tests, 6 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

Unload a ruby class

Object.send(:remove_const, :Foo)

assuming your class is named Foo.

Reload rubygems in irb?

I did not try, but I think you might be looking for Gem.clear_paths

Reset the dir and path values. The next time dir or path is requested, the values will be calculated from scratch. This is mainly used by the unit tests to provide test isolation.

how to unload the files loaded by the require statement in rails

I have resolved that problem using the config.cache_classes = true in the environment.

Using Process.spawn as a replacement for Process.fork

EDIT: There is one common use case of fork() that can be replaced with spawn() -- the fork()--exec() combo. A lot of older (and modern) UNIX applications, when they want to spawn another process, will first fork, and then make an exec call (exec replaces the current process with another). This doesn't actually need fork(), which is why it can be replaced with spawn(). So, this:


can be replaced with:


If any of the gems are using fork() like this, the fix is easy. Otherwise, it is almost impossible.

EDIT: The reason why win32-process' implementation of fork() doesn't work is that (as far as I can tell from the docs), it basically is spawn(), which isn't fork() at all.

No, I don't think it can be done. You see, Process.spawn creates a new process with the default blank state and native code. So, while I can do something like Process.spawn('dir') will start a new, blank process running dir, it won't clone any of the current process' state. It's only connection to your program is the parent - child connection.

You see, fork() is a very low level call. For example, on Linux, what fork() basically does is this: first, a new process is created with exactly cloned register state. Then, Linux does a copy-on-write reference to all of the parent process' pages. Linux then clones some other process flags. Obviously, all of these operations can only be done by the kernel, and the Windows kernel doesn't have the facilities to do that (and can't be patched to either).

Technically, only native programs need the OS for some sort of fork()-like support. Any layer of code needs the cooperation of the layer above it to do something like fork(). So while native C code needs the cooperation of the kernel to fork, Ruby theoretically only needs the cooperation of the interpreter to do a fork. However, the Ruby interpreter does not have a snapshot/restore feature, which would be necessarily to implement a fork. Because of this, normal Ruby fork is achieved by forking the interpreter itself, not the Ruby program.

So, while if you could patch the Ruby interpreter to add a stop/start and snapshot/restore feature, you could do it, but otherwise? I don't think so.

So what are your options? This is what I can think of:

  • Patch the Ruby interpreter
  • Patch the code that uses fork() to maybe use threads or spawn
  • Get a UNIX (I suggest this one)
  • Use Cygwin

Edit 1:
I wouldn't suggest using Cygwin's fork, as it involves special Cygwin process tables, there is no copy-on-write, which makes it very inefficient. Also, it involves a lot of jumping back and forth and a lot of copying. Avoid it if possible. Also, because Windows provides no facilities to copy address spaces, forks are very likely to fail, and will quite a lot of the time (see here).

Postgres could not connect to server

Had a similar problem; a pid file was blocking postgres from starting up. To fix it:

$ rm /usr/local/var/postgres/
$ brew services restart postgresql

and then all is well.


For Apple M1 (Big Sur) users, do this instead:

$ rm /opt/homebrew/var/postgres/
$ brew services restart postgresql

UPDATE (Nov 15 2022):

For Apple M1 / M2 (Ventura) users, just do this:

$ bundle install (just to make sure pg is installed)
$ brew services restart postgresql

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