Stack Level Too Deep When Using Carrierwave Versions

Stack level too deep when using carrierwave versions

It turned out, that it's a carrierwave's fault (well, actually, osx fault). Thread with explanation:


gem 'rmagick', :require => 'RMagick'

Find cause of 'Stack level too deep' in Carrierwave when destroying files

It turns out that the Carrierwave wiki can be misleading.

I assumed that model.file.file.extension could be used in full_filename as well. Turns out it can't: model.file.file uses the full_filename to fetch the filename. So this was creating a infinite loop and thus a SystemStackError.

The solution I went for was a simple File.extname:

class AttachmentUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
include CarrierWave::MiniMagick

storage :file

def store_dir

version :large do
process resize_to_fit: [700, 700]
def full_filename (for_file = model.file.file)

version :thumbnail, from_version: :large do
process resize_to_fill: [250, 250]
def full_filename (for_file = model.file.file.extension)

stack level too deep when uploading and resizing image using carrierwave and rmagick

I had a similar problem. To fix it, in your Gemfile do this:

 gem 'rmagick', require: false

instead of this:

 gem 'rmagick'

Restart your server and try again.

Stack Level Too Deep error - produced with strong parameters I think

Try this:

in your gemfile, change gem "rmagick" to

gem 'rmagick', :require => 'RMagick'


Can't spot the stack level too deep error

Your recurrent pathifize call takes original hash (and that's why for nested hashes it creates infinite recursion) as an argument, while it probably should take value:

pathifize(value, results, combined_key, b)

Stack Level too deep when using active storage has_one_attached :picture

Updated Answer:

The root cause of this problem in my case was having a field with the same name in my model (column in the table) as the attachment, which is not needed, since Active Storage uses separate tables. And when to_json
is called on such a model object, it causes Stack level too deep error.
After removing the column from the database, the problem goes away.

I see you have the same situation in your model, so i would suggest to you to remove column picture from the table volunteers

Original Answer:

I just ran into the same problem. For now, i solved it by omitting the attachment from json generation.
In your case, it would be something like

@volunteer.to_json(except: :picture)

or using responders

respond_with @volunteer, except: :picture


format.json { render json: @volunteer, except: :picture }

Why am I getting a SystemStackError: stack level too deep in my rails3 beta4 model

You are calling same method in method itself

  def forum_type_changed?
self.forum_type_changed? #This will never ending process hence it gives error

I think you have same method name and column name that causing problem change your method name then

  def check_forum_type_changed?
self.forum_type_changed? #method name and column name are different

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