Printing Elements of Array Using Erb

Printing elements of array using ERB

Erb, the templating engine you're using in your views, has a few different ways of embedding ruby code inside templates.

When you put code inside <%= %> blocks, erb evaluates the code inside and prints the value of the last statement in the HTML. Since .each in ruby returns the collection you iterated over, the loop using <%= %> attempts to print a string representation of the entire array.

When you put code inside <% %> blocks, erb just evaluates the code, not printing anything. This allows you to do conditional statements, loops, or modify variables in the view.

You can also remove the puts from puts t. Erb knows to try to convert the last value it saw inside <%= %> into a string for display.

Printing the values of the array in html.erb file in rails

Any time that you write ruby in erb you have to remember to use the correct tag. So change your view to this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> Blalalala</title>
<h1>Please check the items <br><br></h1>

<%- @lp_array.each do |lp| %>
<%= lp %>
<%- end %>


notice that the "=" in the erb tag tells the view to actually show the variable. The "-" in the erb tag tells the view not to show the variable. To print each to a new line you can use <br> or use CSS. for
just add one to the loop like so:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> Blalalala</title>
<h1>Please check the items <br><br></h1>

<%- @lp_array.each do |lp| %>
<%= lp %><br>
<%- end %>


Ruby on Rails: Print element of array in a single line in html.erb file

Doesn't something like this work?, just join them, leaving them inside the paragraph tag:

<p class="center">
<%= @names_array.join(', ') %>

Printing First Photo in Array with Ruby/ERB

<%= image_tag listing.listing_property_details.images.first, class: "fancy-border" %>

ERB: iterate over an array and output each value as part of a one line string

I would try to replace

3 <% @oracle_homes.each do |oracle_home| -%>
4 Cmnd_Alias SQLPLUS = <%= oracle_home -%>/bin/sqlplus
5 Cmnd_Alias SRVCTL = <%= oracle_home -%>/bin/srvctl
6 Cmnd_Alias VOTEDSK = <%= oracle_home -%>/bin/crsctl query css votedisk
7 <% end -%>


Cmnd_Alias SQLPLUS = <%= { |path| "#{path}/bin/sqlplus" }.join(', ') %>
Cmnd_Alias SRVCTL = <%= { |path| "#{path}/bin/srvctl" }.join(', ') %>
Cmnd_Alias VOTEDSK = <%= { |path| "#{path}/bin/crsctl query css votedisk" }.join(', ') %>

Printing properties from an array of hashes to an erb in Rails?

Try this:

array.each do |entry|
<h3><a href="#{entry["owner"]["url"]}"> entry["name"] </a></h3>

rails ul with an array in the view

Make a model called Company:

class Company < ActiveRecord::Base

You'll also need the corresponding database values:

$ rails g migration CreateCompany

class CreateCompany < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :companies do |t|
t.string :name

$ rake db:migrate


This will allow you to store Company records, with corresponding attributes (name being the one highlighted in this example):

resources :companies #->

class CompaniesController < ApplicationController
def index
@companies = Company.all

<ul class="list-group">
<% @company.each do |company| %>
<%= %>
<% end %>

You could create some test Company values by using the rails console:

$ rails c
$ names = %w(test1 test2 test3)
$ names.each do |name|
$ - Company.create name: name
$ end

How to render an Array to a YAML list with ERB?

The only problem I see in your example is the missing leading - from the closing <% end -%> (should be <%- end -%>).

# foo.erb:
<%- @arr = [1,2,3] -%>
<%- @arr.each do |tag| -%>
- <%= tag %>
<%- end -%>
- extra tag


$ erb -T - foo.erb
- 1
- 2
- 3
- extra tag

Without the leading - the result I get is different from yours:

- 1
- 2
- 3
- extra tag

Read value from an array in rb to an erb file

you could also use a CONSTANT as an alternative like following..

MY_ARRAY = ["apple", "orange", "cherries"]

and it will work:

MY_ARRAY[0] => "apple"
MY_ARRAY.first => "apple"

or simple variable

@my_array = ["apple", "orange", "cherries"]

will also work:

@my_array[0] => "apple"
@my_array.first => "apple"
@my_array.last => "cherries"

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