Problem with Bundle

Bundle problems

As I said in the comment, don't use bundles during development of javascript or CSS files at all.

Just comment out the part where the bundle is rendered and include the corresponding files the classic way like this:

<script src="~/Scripts/myscript.js?v=@DateTime.Now.Ticks" type="text/javascript"></script>

When deploying the project remove that line and reactivate the previously commented bundle-rendering call.

Because the uri-parameter version string of the "classic-approach" is changing on each request you can be sure that you always have the latest version of javascript file and are not dependent on some CacheDependency of the Bundle-Framework to trigger or update (which apparently is not working all of the time).

Just don't forget to remove that manual script include so that your users' browsers can actually cache the resources.

Problem with Bundle in Android App

move your code inside onCreate.
this.getIntent() will always return NPE because unless the activity is created you will not be able to get the intent.

 public class ImageSwitch1 extends Activity{

public void onCreate...(redacted)
Bundle b=this.getIntent().getExtras();
int[] mThumb = b.getIntArray("mThumbSent");


problem with bundle

I think you need to export the path of ruby and bundle in your .bashrc (linux).

Open your .bashrc and add this line:

export PATH="$PATH:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin/"

It should work.

Problems with bundle (Rails)

Try removing the version in your Gemfile. Just keep

gem 'bundler'

Now run

bundle update

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