Ruby Ssl with Twitter Failed on Cert Openssl Issue on Windows 7

Ruby SSL with Twitter failed on cert OpenSSL issue on Windows 7

So I dug around and basically stared at the hard coded path of the certs. By typing this at the command line

ruby -ropenssl -e 'puts OpenSSL::X509::DEFAULT_CERT_FILE'

I got the following...


So my solution was to first download cacert.pem from to c:\ . Then open up Windows Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Windows PowerShell Modules. Then I proceeded to type out:

cd \
cd users
mkdir Luis
cd Luis
mkdir Code
cd Code
mkdir openknapsack
cd openknapsack
mkdir knap-build
cd knap-build
mkdir var
cd var
mkdir knapsack
cd knapsack
mkdir software
cd software
mkdir x86-windows
cd x86-windows
mkir openssl
cd openssl
mkdir 1.0.0k
cd 1.0.0k
mkdir ssl
cd ssl
cp c:\cacert.pem .\cert.pem

And now everything works! Yes it's a cheap hack and it's ugly. But now both you and I can get back to doing serious coding and not worry about pesky problems.

I know it's not a great fix, but it's the only thing that worked for me, and it should for you too.

If some one would like to write a PowerShell script to auto install the cert file into this directory then you could more easily deploy your Ruby project to Windows 7. Just a thought.

By the way, you can duplicate this process for any operating system should the need arise. Just find the path the cert file belongs in with:

ruby -ropenssl -e 'puts OpenSSL::X509::DEFAULT_CERT_FILE'

And be sure to rename the file as it appears in the ouput!

How to solve certificate verify failed on Windows?

Actually the best way I found to solve this in windows for Ruby itself, not just one gem, is to do the following:

  1. Download into c:\railsinstaller\cacert.pem. Make sure you save it as a .pem file, rather than a text file.
  2. Go to your Computer -> Advanced Settings -> Environment Variables
  3. Create a new System Variable:

    Variable: SSL_CERT_FILE
    Value: C:\RailsInstaller\cacert.pem

  4. Close all your command prompts, including your Rails server command prompt, etc.

  5. Start a new ruby irb prompt, and try the following:

    $irb>require 'open-uri'

It should all work now just fine.

ERROR: While executing gem ... (OpenSSL::X509::StoreError)

TRy this in your command line

ruby -ropenssl -e 'puts OpenSSL::X509::DEFAULT_CERT_FILE'

Also see OpenSSL::X509::StoreError: cert already in hash table? and SSL Error When installing rubygems, Unable to pull data from '

Ruby Gem Twitter - certificate verify failed (Twitter::Error::ClientError)

I was able to solve my own question. For those having the same issue try using the following:


It disables the SSL security but it allows you to process with troubleshooting. The underlying issue is an outdated SSL.

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