Heroku: How to Push to Specific App If You Have Multiple Apps in Heroku

Heroku: How do you push to specific app if you have multiple apps in heroku?

You will need to setup different git remote end points for each application at Heroku so you can push to either application from the one local repo.

Get the GIT URLs for your apps on Heroku via the dashboard (it will look something similar to this: https://git@heroku.com:your_app_name.git) and do:

git remote add test-app1 https://git@heroku.com:test-app1.git

git remote add test-app2 https://git@heroku.com:test-app2.git

git remote add test-app3 https://git@heroku.com:test-app3.git

Then you will be able to push to any specific app like this:

git push test-app1 master

git push test-app2 master

git push test-app3 master

Deploy two separate heroku apps from same git repo

My understanding of your question is that you have one Git repository, that contains two entirely separate programs: one API server, and one web server.

With this assumption in mind, here's what you'll want to do, step-by-step:

  1. Go into your project folder.
  2. Define a Procfile at the root of your project. This will tell Heroku how to run your web server and your API server.

Here's how you might want your Procfile to look (an example):

web: node web/index.js
api: node api/index.js

In my example above: I'm defining two types of Heroku dynos -- one called web and one called api. For each one, you'll need to tell Heroku what command to run to start the appropriate server. In this example, I would run node web/index.js to start up my website, and node api/index.js to start up my API service.

  1. Create two new Heroku applications. You can do this by running heroku create <desired-app-name> --remote <desired-app-name> multiple times. NOTE: The --remote flag will tell Heroku to create a Git remote for each of your applications in the same repo.

  2. Next, you'll need to tell Heroku to run your actual web application on one Heroku app, and your API service on another Heroku app. You can do this by using the Heroku CLI:

    $ heroku ps:scale web=1 --remote webserver-app-name
    $ heroku ps:scale api=1 --remote apiserver-app-name

These commands will:

  • Run a single web dyno for your webserver Heroku app.
  • Run a single API dyno for your apiserver Heroku app.

As you can see above, using the ps:scale command you can control what types of commands Heroku will run from your Procfile, and how many instances of each you'd like to have.

Hopefully this helps!

Heroku - push subtrees to different apps

Following @bouteillebleu's suggestion, I was able to handle this like so...

First, I needed to add Heroku endpoints for the two apps in the parent directory -

$ git remote add phoenix-heroku-app https://git.heroku.com/phoenix-heroku-app.git
$ git remote add react-heroku-app https://git.heroku.com/react-heroku-app.git

Then I just needed to run

$ git subtree push --prefix Phoenix phoenix-heroku-app master
$ git subtree push --prefix React react-heroku-app master

and it was good to go.

Heroku, multiple heroku apps in same directory, how to remove all but one?

Can you check your git remote -v output: if it still refers the wrong URL, you can change it with:

git remote set-url origin https://git.heroku.com/workoutcalendar.git

Then try and push again.

Getting a list of multiple apps with heroku open

If you're trying to push to your heroku server, do:

git push heroku master

If you're trying to push to your heroku-stagin server:

git push heroku-stagin master

If your still-falls-46284 branch is also a heroku app and you're trying to push it to that one, do:

git push still-falls-46284 master

How do I push different branches to different heroku apps?

You should add another remote for my-app-prod named prod-heroku (replace GIT_URL with the Git URL that you can find in the settings page of my-app-prod in heroku):

git remote add prod-heroku GIT_URL
git push prod-heroku production:master

This will push your local branch production to the remote branch master in prod-heroku so my-app-prod will get deployed with the code in production branch.

Deploying 2 different heroku apps with same code and git repository

You will need to setup different git remote end points for each application at Heroku so you can push to either application from the one local repo. I don't use the 'heroku' name as my remote though (not that it really matters) I use production and staging mapped to different Heroku applications. So I can do:

git push production master


git push staging staging:master

Check your remote endpoints via git remote -v in the projects root. It will show the default heroku mapped to your application.

Get the URLs for your apps on Heroku via the dashboard and do

git remote add production <gitrepo for production app here>

git remote add staging <gitrepo for staging app here>

However, from the the error you've posted it looks like you're not a collaborator on the app1 application.

Git pushes to wrong heroku app

Indeed, you should understand what is a remote repository.

You can for example type git remote -v and see the result to clearly see where you are pushing.

from there, git remote rm heroku allows you to remove the remote repository.
And git remote add heroku {address} allows you to add a remote repository whose address you should specify.

The address of the corresponding remote is provided by heroku. Go on the app details on the heroku website and copy paste it from there. After that, the git push heroku master should push to the good repository.

When you copy pasted, the project, you also copy pasted the .git directory of the project so all the old settings of git for it. I think that a git clone would have been a better approach

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