Many: 'Require': Cannot Load Such File -- "Gem_Name" (Loaderror) After Upgrade of Ruby/Rails

Many: `require': cannot load such file -- gem_name (LoadError) after upgrade of ruby/rails

There must be some problem in your local ruby installation.

If you are using rvm gemset then run rvm pristine on your gemset.
If you are not using gemset then run gem pristine --all

`require': cannot load such file -- gemname non-rails app on server

When you use bundler to install gems outside if Ruby's global gem store, you also need to adapt the $LOAD_PATH to include this custom location before you are able to require the gem.

The most common way to achieve this is to use bundle exec. This command comes with bundler and adapts Ruby's $lOAD_PATH to include the locations of all gems specified in the Gemfile.

When you start your script as follows, Ruby should be able to find your gems (assuming your bin/run_control.rb script is executable).

bundle exec bin/run_control.rb start

Making a Ruby Gem - Cannot Load Such File

The spec.files entry of your gemspec doesn’t include the mygem.rb file, so that file won‘t be in the gem when it is built. Only files listed in this entry will be included in the final gem.

The simplest solution would be to just add mygem.rb to the array:

spec.files = ['lib/command.rb', 'lib/connection.rb', 'lib/mygem.rb']

This is a fairly simple fix, you might want to do something more flexible like using a Dir glob:

spec.files = Dir['lib/**/*.rb']

In fact the Rubygems guide suggests you do something like this (text is from the end of that section):

If you’ve added more files to your gem, make sure to remember to add them to your gemspec’s files array before publishing a new gem! For this reason (among others), many developers automate this with Hoe, Jeweler, Rake, Bundler, or just a dynamic gemspec.

Also, you really do need to fix your permissions problem, you shouldn’t need sudo to install gems into your own home directory.

LoadError: cannot load such file -- gemname/base

In your lib/gemname.rb

require 'gemname/base.rb'

Hope in gemname.specification file has

s.files = Dir["","Gemfile","Rakefile", "spec/*", "lib/**/*"]

for example see my gem


ERROR: `require': cannot load such file -- bindata (LoadError) ( using pcap_tools gem)

I solved this. I talked to the person who created the gem and he push the new version.

Ruby on Rails - in 'require': cannot load such file -- omniauth/oauth, even though I installed omniauth

These lines:

gem 'omniauth', '0.2.0'
gem 'httparty'

Are meant to go in a file called Gemfile that is in the root of your project directory. If you are typing them into the command line, that is where you are getting hung up. You should then type bundle install into the command line to update the dependencies from your app and continue with the tutorial from there.

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