How to Inherit from Nilclass or How to Simulate Similar Function

How to inherit from NilClass or how to simulate similar function

An approach that may work for you is to overide the method #nil? in your Null object.
This means that in your code to test for null you have to use obj.nil? and not just check for obj existence. This is probably reasonable, since you can distinguish between nil and null. Below is an example:

class NullClass
def nil?

def null_behavior
puts "Hello from null land"

Inheritance will work:

class NewClass < NullClass

Use like so:

normal =
null =

x = [normal, null]

x.each do |obj|
if obj.nil?
puts "obj is nil"


obj is nil
Hello from null land

Just remember to use #.nil? for any checks that require Null and Nil to be false-ish.

Below this line was my WRONG initial answer

CustomNil = 

class CustomNil
###!!! This returns regular nil, not anything special.

[tests deleted for brevity]

Use at your own risk. I haven't researched what side effects this may cause or whether it will do what you want. But it seems it does have some nil like behavior

How do I create a class which instance can be evaluated as false?

Boolean logic in Ruby ONLY allows nil and false to be falsy

Everything else is truthy.

There is no way to do this.

May I ask why you want this?
What is special about your Nilly class?

I suggest you just call it a different way.

class Nilly
def nil?

And use this in your logic

puts n.nil? ? 'false' : 'true'

Rails undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass

Try this

def initialize
@session_types =
@program_id = ''

You were very scarce with pasting your errors, but that's the first thing that comes to mind. Please post the entire error if this doesn't help.

The reason for that is your Setting class inherits from ActiveRecord::Base, calling super first calls parent's initialize method, this way you add functionality to the method (extend it). Without super you override it, meaning you replace everything it does by default (like for example connecting to the database, validating) by your code.

NilClass - What does Ruby inheritance really mean?

I assumed that "inheritance" is the basic feature of Ruby. And every class inherits methods from both its .class and .superclass.

That's correct. Every class inherits methods from its superclass, which is Object by default.

class Foo

Foo.superclass #=> Object

Foo responds to Object's class methods and Foo instances respond to Object's instance methods.

Furthermore, every class is an instance of Class and therefore responds to Class' instance methods (just like Foo instances respond to Foo's instance methods):

Foo.class #=> Class

#=> #<Method: Class#new>

Calling simply invokes Class#new.

Since NilClass has Class and Object as its .class and .superclass, you'd assume NilClass to have all their methods.

It would, but nil is a singleton, i.e. there's only one nil instance and you can't create any other instances. This is achieved (among other things) by undefining new. From Ruby's source code:

rb_undef_method(CLASS_OF(rb_cNilClass), "new");

You could do the same in plain Ruby:

Foo.singleton_class.send(:undef_method, :new)
#=> NoMethodError: undefined method `new' for Foo:Class

self join association undefined method for nil:NilClass

It turns out that despite calling reload, Rails still uses the cached version of the query. The same problem is described here. This fixes it:

class ItemA < Item
def parent
ActiveRecord::Base.uncached { groups.take }

NoMethodError undefined method `[]=' for nil:NilClass

The problem is when you initialize your @query_hash. In all your classes they are initialized in wrong scope. To fix it, you should move @query_hash = to initialize method, like:

class RangeCriteria
def initialize
@query_hash =
# ...

class RangeBuilder
def initialize
@query_hash =
# ...

class Bool
def initialize
@query_hash =
# ...

Hope that helps.

Good luck!

undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass for Rails model on new

You're breaking things with t.string :class

@student.class needs to return Student for ActiveRecord to do its magic.

Your @student.class is going to return nil. That's a problem.

undefined method `articles' for nil:NilClass when i tried to display related articles on my article show page

Here is a longer answer that offers a solution to your problem. The issue is that you want to get all articles that share a tag with the article you are showing, while presumably not showing the current article in the list of related articles. I would accomplish this by adding a related_articles method to your Article model and calling it in your view.

Add the following method to app/models/article.rb:

def related_articles
Article.joins(:tags).where(tags: { id: self.tags.pluck(:id) }).where.not(id:

The above query should return all of the articles that have a matching tag while excluding itself.

You can now replace the related articles section in your view with:

**<h5>Related Articles</h5>
<% @article.related_articles.each do |article| %>
<li><%= link_to article.title, article_path(article) %></li>
<% end %>**

One final note that is not strictly related to your problem, but worth mentioning. By iterating over @article.tags, your view is creating an N+1 query. These are very inefficient. The good news, is that this can be fixed with eager loading by simply, changing the find_articles method in your articles_controller as follows:

def find_article
@article = Article.includes(:tags).find(params[:id])

There may be a more efficient way to write the related_articles query, but this should work.


Another way of writing the related_articles query follows. This will yield the same results. It moves more of the processing to the database and results in fewer calls to the database.

def related_articles
Article.distinct.joins(tags: :articles).where.not(id:

Undefined method 'accept' for nil:NilClass after upgrading to Rails 3

Figured it out. Turns out a custom gem someone made a long time ago caused some errors. Removing that gem fixed it.

For those who have a similar problem, ensure you remove the 'activerecord-mysql2-adapter' gem. That was what caused the initial problem.

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