How to Convert a Scientific Notation String to Decimal Notation

How to convert this scientific notation to decimal?

Decimal h2 = 0;
Decimal.TryParse("2.005E01", out h2);

How to convert a scientific notation string to decimal notation?

Just use string conversion. The necessary coercion to float will be done automatically:

"%f" % "1.0e-05"
=> "0.000010"

# Which, behind the scenes is the same as:
"%f" % "1.0e-05".to_f
=> "0.000010"

Adjust as necessary to get more or less accuracy. For example:

"%.5f" % "1.0e-05"
=> "0.00001"

If you want to get real fancy and chop off unnecessary zeros at the end, here's one way. (Hopefully someone will suggest something more elegant; I couldn't think of anything):

("%.20f" % "1.0e-05").sub(/\.?0*$/, "")
=> "0.00001"

Convert scientific notation to decimals

I'm making this answer since the top voted one has misinformation and so i can explain my improvements.

TL;DR: Use ("%.17f" % n).rstrip('0').rstrip('.')

By default Python formats to scientific notation if there's 5 or more zeroes at the beginning.

0.00001 / 1e-05 formats to "1e-05".

0.0001 / 1e-04 formats to "0.0001".

So of course 8.99284722486562e-02 will format to "0.0899284722486562" already.

A better example would've been 8.99284722486562e-05. (0.00008992847224866)

We can easily format to raw decimal places with "%f" which is same as "%.6f" by default.

"%f" % 8.99284722486562e-05 produces '0.000090'.

"%f" % 0.01 produces '0.010000'.

By default floats display upto 17 decimal places.

0.1234567898765432123 - (19 dp input)

0.12345678987654321 - (17 dp output)

So if we did "%.17f" % 8.99284722486562e-02 we'd get '0.08992847224865620'. (note the extra 0)

But if we did "%.17f" % 0.0001 we surely wouldn't want '0.00010000000000000'.

So to remove the trailing zeroes we can do: ("%.17f" % n).rstrip('0').rstrip('.')

(Notice we also strip the decimal point incase the number has no fraction left)

Also there's counterparts to %f:

%f shows standard notation

%e shows scientific notation

%g shows default (scientific if 5 or more zeroes)

Python - Convert scientific notation string to float retaining decimal places

You could use a custom float to string conversion function which checks if the number will be accepted by Ada using a regular expression (which tests if there are only non-dots before the exponent character, and in which case only convert with format):

import re

def ada_compliant_float_as_string(f):
return "{:.1e}".format(f) if re.match("^-?[^\.]e",str(f)) else str(f)

for f in [-1e-5,1e-5,1.4e-5,-12e4,1,1.0]:



only the first value is corrected, other values are just the string representation of a float, unchanged.

Convert scientific notation to decimal notation

When you use DecimalFormat with an expression in scientific notation, you need to specify a pattern. Try something like

DecimalFormat dform = new DecimalFormat("0.###E0");

See the javadocs for DecimalFormat -- there's a section marked "Scientific Notation".

Converting all float values in String from scientific notation to decimal notation

Think about those pattern >1.0E-4< or >1.5E-4< and RegEx and String replacement and so on.

Convert a number from scientific notation to decimal in JAVA

You can use NumberFormat your accomplish your goal easily.

String scientificNotation = "1.0225556677556E7";
Double scientificDouble = Double.parseDouble(scientificNotation);
NumberFormat nf = new DecimalFormat("################################################.###########################################");
decimalString = nf.format(scientificDouble);

To answer you're other question about matching scientific notation strings- you can use a regex and String.matches(). This one isn't perfect although the probability of getting false positives should be very low:

//do work

How to Convert Positive or Negative Scientific Notation to Number in C#?

If your culture uses "." as separator:

decimal d = Decimal.Parse("-8.13E-06", System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float);

Or you can specify the InvariantCulture:

decimal d = Decimal.Parse("-8.13E-06", System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

or as in your exapmple:

Decimal h2 = 0;
Decimal.TryParse("-8.13E-06", NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out h2);

java (beginner) converting scientific notation to decimal

NumberFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("###.#####");  

String f = formatter.format(d);

You can explore the sub classes of NumberFormat class to know more details.

Convert Scientific Notation to decimal in Azure Data Flows

Looks like by default 0/0.0 is converted to exponential value when using the decimal function. One way is to convert decimal to string.

case(Value == 0.0, toString(0.0),toString(toDecimal(Value,20,10)))

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