Finding Common String in Array of Strings (Ruby)

Finding common string in array of strings (ruby)

Here's a rubyish way of doing it. You should use a more advanced algorithm if you have a bunch of strings or they are very long, though:

def longest_common_substr(strings)
shortest = strings.min_by &:length
maxlen = shortest.length
maxlen.downto(0) do |len|
0.upto(maxlen - len) do |start|
substr = shortest[start,len]
return substr if strings.all?{|str| str.include? substr }

puts longest_common_substr(["Extra tv in bedroom",
"Extra tv in living room",
"Extra tv outside the shop"])

Find most common string in an array

Ruby < 2.2


def most_common_value(a)
a.group_by do |e|

x = ["1.111", "1.122", "1.250", "1.111"]
p most_common_value(x) # => "1.111"

Note: Enumberable.max_by is new with Ruby 1.9, but it has been backported to 1.8.7

Ruby >= 2.2

Ruby 2.2 introduces the Object#itself method, with which we can make the code more concise:

def most_common_value(a)

As a monkey patch

Or as Enumerable#mode:

Enumerable.class_eval do
def mode
group_by do |e|

["1.111", "1.122", "1.250", "1.111"].mode
# => "1.111"

All Common Subsequences in Array of Strings

Well, these smaller subsequences like "a" and "aa" are common subsequences, so that wouldn't be incorrect.

If you really only want the longest common subsequences (i.e. those subsequences not contained in any other common subsequence), what you need to do is to check whether these subsequences are part of the larger common subsequence, and if so, discard them.

This can be done by (in pseudocode)

finalsubsequences = copy(subsequences);
for(subseq in subsequences) {
for(subseq2 in subsequences) {
if(subseq2.indexOf(subseq) != false)
// subseq contains subseq2, thus discard subseq2

Good luck!

Check if string contains any substring in an array in Ruby

I think we can divide this question in two:

  1. How to clean undesired data
  2. How to check if cleaned data is valid

The first is well answered above. For the second, I would do the following:

(cleaned_content_types - VALID_CONTENT_TYPES) == 0

The nice thing about this solution is that you can easily create a variable to store the undesired types to list them later like this example:

VALID_CONTENT_TYPES = ['image/jpeg']
cleaned_content_types = ['image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/jpeg']

undesired_types = cleaned_content_types - VALID_CONTENT_TYPES
if undesired_types.size > 0
error_message = "The types #{undesired_types.join(', ')} are not allowed"
# The happy path here

String substitution within ruby array

This should do it:

@tickets = Ticket.where(active: true).
).map { |ticket| }

Ruby get strings from array which contain substring

You are almost there, you cannot pass parameter in &:. You can do something like:{ |e| e.include? 'c' }

Efficient way (in Ruby), to determine largest matching sequence in an array/string?

Here's a fast working solution, cutting down the comparison to only those element in common across arrays:

array1 = ["hello", "world", "i", "am", "in", "the", "world"]
array2 = ["This", "is", "the", "hello", "world", "message"]

common_words = array1 & array2

stringified_array1 = array1.join(' ')
stringified_array2 = array2.join(' ')

(common_words.length - 1).downto(0).map do |n|
stringified_combo = array1[0..n].join(' ')

if stringified_array1.include?(stringified_combo) && stringified_array2.include?(stringified_combo)

This you get the words in common between the two arrays, and tests these from largest to smallest. You check they're in order in the first array, then if they exist in the second.

I believe this holds up and is pretty efficient, though happy to receive any comments and feedback,

Ruby - Count the number of strings in an array that contain either of two characters

a.group_by { |e| e[-1] }.each_with_object({}) { |(k, v), hash| hash[k] = v.count }
#=> {"D"=>20, "M"=>7}


groups = a.group_by { |e| e[-1] }
# {
# "D"=> ["P1 - D", "P1 - D", "P1 - D", "P1 - D", "P1 - D", "P1 - D", "P1 - D", "P1 - D", "P1 - D", "P1 - D", "P2 - D", "P2 - D", "P2 - D", "P3 - D", "P3 - D", "P - D", "P - D", "P - D", "Post - D", "S1 - D"],
# "M"=> ["P3 - M", "P1 - M", "P1 - M", "P2 - M", "P2 - M", "P1 - M", "P1 - M"]
# }

group_counts = groups.each_with_object({}) { |(k, v), hash| hash[k] = v.count }
#=> {"D"=>20, "M"=>7}

#=> 20


With Ruby 2.4+ you can make use of Hash#transform_values (credits go to Alex Golubenko :)):

a.group_by { |e| e[-1] }.transform_values(&:size)
#=> {"D"=>20, "M"=>7}

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