Best Practices in Ruby for Loop

Best practices in Ruby for loop

The first option is generally discouraged. It is possible in ruby to be more friendly towards developers coming from other languages (as they recognize the syntax) but it behaves a bit strange regarding variable visibility. Generally, you should avoid this variant everywhere and use only one of the block variants.

The advantage of the two other variants is that it works the same for all methods accepting a block, e.g. map, reduce, take_while and others.

The two bottom variants are mostly equivalent You use the each method and provide it with a block. The each method calls the block once for each element in the array.

Which one you use is mostly up to preference. Most people tend to use the one with braces for simple blocks which don't require a line-break. If you want to use a line-break in your block, e.g. if you have multiple statements there, you should use the do...end variant. This makes your code more readable.

There are other slightly more nuanced opinions on when you should use one or the other (e.g. some always use the braces form when writing functional block, i.e. ones which don't affect the outside of the block even when they are longer), but if you follow this above advice, you will please at least 98% of all ruby developers reading your code.

Thus, in conclusion, avoid the for i in ... variants (the same counts for while, until, ...) and always use the block-form. Use the do...end of block for complex blocks and the braces-form for simple one-line blocks.

When you use the the block form, you should however be aware of the slight differences in priority when chaining methods.


foo bar { |i| puts i }

is equivalent to

foo(bar{|i| puts i})


foo bar do |i|
puts i

is equivalent to

foo(bar) { |i| puts i }

As you can see, in the braces form, the block is passed to the right-most method while in the do...end form, the block is passed to the left-most method. You can always resolve the ambiguity with parenthesis though.

Partials vs for loop — best practices

Generally I only use a partial for an individual object when I need to render that single object somewhere else, like in an RJS view. It keeps the views a bit easier to follow, in my opinion.

Rails 3: loops and plucking items out best practices

So the only subscription that doesn't get discounted is the first one? Why not write it like this:

current_order.products.includes(:client).each do |product|
if product == current_order.products.first
# continue with authnet for single subscription
# run discount logic

Ruby best practice : if not empty each do else in one operator

What about?

array.each do |x|
puts "x",x
end.empty? and begin
puts "empty!"

How to write a test which loops through a range of values using RSpec?

A possible half-way point here is to loop through possible answers in your RSpec tests. Keeping your code DRY is important but so is keeping your tests DRY and this is sometimes under-estimated.

How about something like this:

  RSpec.describe "#answer" do
expected_values = {'3': 'Fizz', '5': 'Buzz', '6': 'Fizz', '11': '11', '15': 'FizzBuzz'}
expected_values.each do |val, expected|
it "returns #{expected} when number is #{val}" do
result =
expect(result).to eq(expected)

That way, you can add tests easily by adding them to the expected_values hash, but if the method name changed or something similar you would only have to change it in one place

What is the right way to iterate through an array in Ruby?

This will iterate through all the elements:

array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
array.each { |x| puts x }

# Output:


This will iterate through all the elements giving you the value and the index:

array = ["A", "B", "C"]
array.each_with_index {|val, index| puts "#{val} => #{index}" }

# Output:

A => 0
B => 1
C => 2

I'm not quite sure from your question which one you are looking for.

When and Why use Loop Do Construct in Ruby

In a language without loop, you might use a while construct like:

while( true ) {
# Do stuff until you detect it is done
if (done) break;

The point of it is that you start the loop without knowing how many of iterations to perform (or it is hard to calculate in advance), but it is easy to detect when the loop should end. In addition, for a particular case you might find the equivalent while (! done) { # do stuff } syntax clumsy, because the done condition can happen halfway through the loop, or in multiple places.

Ruby's loop is basically the same thing as the while( true ) - in fact you can use while( true ) almost interchangeably with it.

In the given example, there are following points of return within each iteration:

if (left >= 0) && (arr[left] > arr[idx])
return left # <-- HERE
elsif (right < arr.length) && (arr[right] > arr[idx])
return right # <-- HERE
elsif (left < 0) && (right >= arr.length)
return nil # <-- HERE

There is also an implied "else continue looping" here, if no end conditions are met.

These multiple possible exit points are presumably why the author chose the loop construct, although there are many ways of solving this problem in practice with Ruby. The given solution code is not necessarily superior to all other possibilities.

How to create an integer-for-loop in Ruby?

If you're doing this in your erb view (for Rails), be mindful of the <% and <%= differences. What you'd want is:

<% (1..x).each do |i| %>
Code to display using <%= stuff %> that you want to display
<% end %>

For plain Ruby, you can refer to:

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