Disabling Echo from Webrick

Disabling echo from webrick

Following the link to the source and suggestion provied by Yet Another Geek, I was able to figure out a way. Set the AccessLog parameter to [nil, nil] [] (Changed following suggestion by Robert Watkins).

s = WEBrick::HTTPServer.new(
Port: 3000,
BindAddress: "localhost",
Logger: WEBrick::Log.new("/dev/null"),
AccessLog: [],

Somehow WEBrick is taking over my Sinatra app launch, how to turn it off?

The line ruby basics.rb means that you are running Sinatra with Ruby, not Node.js.

If you want your Sinatra application launch a simple CGI daemon, not a complete HTTP server, you should use Sinatra::Base, not the normal Sinatra infrastructure. Applications based on Sinatra::Base do not launch WEBRick or any other server at startup and rely on an external HTTP server.

Have a look at the introduction to Sinatra::Base.

Disable Rack::CommonLogger without monkey patching

Puma adds logging middleware to your app if you are in development mode and haven’t set the --quiet option.

To stop Puma logging in development, pass the -q or --quiet option on the command line:

puma -p 3001 -q

or if you are using a Puma config file, add quiet to it.

gem executable that starts sinatra server not working

You need to add

enable :run

to your application file, so that the built in web server will start.

From the Sinatra configuration settings:

By default, this setting is enabled only when the :app_file matches $0. i.e., when running a Sinatra app file directly with ruby myapp.rb.

When running the file directly this condition is true so the web server starts. When packaged as a gem however, the executable file that is actually run is really a wrapper script around your application file created by rubygems, so the condition is false and the web server doesn't start.

Ruby TCPServer always delay on dns reverse lookup? - how to disable?

The problem depends on my client machine where I run on MAC OSX Mav.

The used telnet client tries to open IPv6 connection and afterwards IPv4.

To solve the delay, just open connection with

telnet -4 my-server 3333

I have build a small connect echo servive where you can check resolves and timings.

If you change NO_REVERSE_LOOKUP you will get IPs or ADDRESSes and if not resolveable, different response times.

require 'socket'


puts "#{Time.now} Starting service on port: #{CONNECT_PORT}"

# the full hell - just to test if anything meets what we want
TCPServer.do_not_reverse_lookup = NO_REVERSE_LOOKUP
BasicSocket.do_not_reverse_lookup = NO_REVERSE_LOOKUP
Socket.do_not_reverse_lookup = NO_REVERSE_LOOKUP

srv = TCPServer.open(CONNECT_PORT)

puts "#{Time.now} Waiting for client"

client = srv.accept

puts "#{Time.now} Client connected"

client.do_not_reverse_lookup = NO_REVERSE_LOOKUP

client.print "Hello connected\n"

# in case that we disabled reverse lookup, we should only receive IP Adresses

puts "#{Time.now} Getting server address infos"

puts NO_REVERSE_LOOKUP ? client.addr(:numeric) : client.addr(:hostname)

puts ""

puts "#{Time.now} Getting remote client infos"

puts NO_REVERSE_LOOKUP ? client.peeraddr(:numeric) : client.peeraddr(:hostname)


puts "#{Time.now} Closing connection"


puts "#{Time.now} End"

Thanks to drbrain from #ruby-lang irc for pointing me to the IPv6 problem.

Exposing/Publishing ports from docker

At the end of the day I never found out what I was doing wrong. I took a different approach to the problem and solved it by using Forman and Thin.

My Dockerfile:

FROM buildpack-deps:jessie

ENV RUBY_DOWNLOAD_SHA256 df795f2f99860745a416092a4004b016ccf77e8b82dec956b120f18bdc71edce

# skip installing gem documentation
RUN echo 'install: --no-document\nupdate: --no-document' >> "$HOME/.gemrc"

# some of ruby's build scripts are written in ruby
# we purge this later to make sure our final image uses what we just built
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y bison libgdbm-dev ruby \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
&& mkdir -p /usr/src/ruby \
&& curl -fSL -o ruby.tar.gz "http://cache.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/$RUBY_MAJOR/ruby-$RUBY_VERSION.tar.gz" \
&& echo "$RUBY_DOWNLOAD_SHA256 *ruby.tar.gz" | sha256sum -c - \
&& tar -xzf ruby.tar.gz -C /usr/src/ruby --strip-components=1 \
&& rm ruby.tar.gz \
&& cd /usr/src/ruby \
&& autoconf \
&& ./configure --disable-install-doc \
&& make -j"$(nproc)" \
&& make install \
&& apt-get purge -y --auto-remove bison libgdbm-dev ruby \
&& gem update --system $RUBYGEMS_VERSION \
&& rm -r /usr/src/ruby

# install things globally, for great justice
ENV GEM_HOME /usr/local/bundle


RUN gem install bundler --version "$BUNDLER_VERSION" \
&& bundle config --global path "$GEM_HOME" \
&& bundle config --global bin "$GEM_HOME/bin"

# don't create ".bundle" in all our apps

COPY app /auth_app

WORKDIR /auth_app

RUN bundle install

CMD ["foreman","start","-d","/auth_app"]


My Gemfile:

source 'https://rubygems.org'

gem 'sinatra'
gem 'foreman'
gem 'nori'
gem 'thin'
gem 'rack'
gem 'rack-test'

My Procfile:

web: bundle exec rackup --env dev config.ru -p 4567 -s thin -o

My docker command running it:

docker run -p 4567:4567 -d auth_app

I didn't change any code within the app, just the docker deployment setup, it worked like a charm then. Thank you for all your answers, they helped me at least to concentrate onto right problems and ask right questions to get this running.

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